Anonymous ID: e8148d Sept. 21, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3132418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2591 >>2641 >>2693 >>2877



Wanna wish all our guests from Reddit an easy click over to their new Voat board - hope it's a comfy place for good patriotic fellowship with like-minded anons for all.


Night tunes tonight HAVE to include this, because

"twenty first night of September"

Earth Wind & Fire, wearing the most killer stage costumes I have EVAH seen


Dedicating this song to all active duty/deployed military out there and you intel/classified folks who do so much

We acknowledge and respect the burden you carry, in every possible role

And it's National POW/MIA Recognition Day today

For the ones who never came home

America remembers, appreciates and loves each & every one of you <3

God bless every man and woman who has served Q Team operation in any way

Praying for your completely safety & total success until you're back home again.

Anonymous ID: e8148d Sept. 21, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3132741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hello James! What a DAY, eh?

You're an VIP - very important patriot!

So sorry for the drama and the hassle - we'll all fight another day!


Have something special for you to watch, to inspire you:

Some colonial reenactors portraying a famous moment in America that took place 243 years ago, at a church where some of my ancestors are buried. This speech by Patrick Henry, knowing who was there to witness it, and this reenactment in the very place it happened originally, takes my breath away.


Many thanks from
