Anonymous ID: 054f0a Sept. 21, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3133409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3445

You are my brothers.📁📁📁📁📁

[Reddit Replacement]



FUCK YEAH GOATS… Motherfucking fuck yeah. My body is ready… I came to VOAT after being banned on Reddit before the Great Elen Pao Migration. Voat beat the shit out of me and then hammered me into a goat… Fuck yeah… Maga… 'Merica. Freedom. The First is my SWORD and the second is my SHIELD. Let that sink in a bit… Fuck… We are in a world where 8ch and VOAT are going to the be the social norms in the future… I have no fear and no limits. Bring on the aliens. Bring on the deep state… Fuck the deep state.. Fuck the nightmare…. I am awake. I WILL NOT FALTER AND I WILL NOT FAIL. I still carry the light and therefore I cannot be defeated. If you hold my values of freedom and liberty and simplicity and love close to your heart then YOU ARE MY BROTHER. Let us defeat this evil once and for all and be rid of them. I fight for my family. I fight for my wife and son. I fight for you, my ANON BROTHER. We cannot be defeated if we hold true to each other. I am just going to post motivational quotes from here.


We survive this by what we build. -V The Gorilla

If otherwise rational people are making insane decisions it is because YOU do not have all the information -Ace

The lack of information… IS INFORMATION. -The Avout

2+2 does not equal 22 -Dave from X22 Report.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, you are just remarkably uninformed. -Clif High

Government is the enforcement arm of the banks -Unknown

No one can save you. No one can and no one will. You must walk the road yourself. -Budda

Think for yourself…Question Authority. -Maynard Keenan

If you don't ask the right questions you will not get the right answers….

You can get any job done by sheer force of will… -Donald Trump

If you want to know the future, Look to the past.

Don't stay safe, Stay free.. - Edward Snowden (still not sure what side this fucker is on)

No great civilization was ever built by catering to the poor. -V The Gorilla

I would rather live in DANGEROUS FREEDOM than safe tyranny

The weak minded will ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO FAIL.

Wisdom is the application of Knowledge -LVL

Cleanliness of theory is NO MATCH FOR REALITY

Don't give into hate.

WHO IS JOHN GALT? John Galt is in me. He is in you. He is the voice that tells you something is wrong and you should ACT. He is you gut-feeling that you should listen to. He is the little voice that you only notice after the fact.


Without these qualities life will be violent… and all will be lost -Charlie Chaplin


I will die a free man on my land with my family by my side. Nothing will stop me.