Anonymous ID: 26e794 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.3133557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3582 >>3589 >>3716 >>3730

Repost (I need to hear how anons (real anons) are so convinced)


Don't you pinheads see what is going on. You've been sold a bill of goods. You are convinced of a revolution because [RR] will get fired (and retire rich) and Mueller investigation will terminate. After that, nothing will happen. But Q rah rah rah has convinced you all something mighty good has happened.


Meanwhile Reddit is shut down, Faceberg and SchGoogle will censor and monitor the hell out of all of us.


Now Q convinces us to buy into the old orders propaganda that plane hits the pentagon, humans landed on the moon in the 1960s and oh alien disclosure will come to unite humanity.


Now you yuck it up and cheer when "african" American and "hispanic" American employment is at an all time high while non-Euro demographics are being irreparably altered in USA, Australia and throughout the homeland in Europe. Nothing can be done and nothing will be done to stop it. The decline will continue until we live in South African environment. This is what Q and Trumps masters want.


Now Q convinced you that "they" shut down Reddit. And will soon shut down 8chan, except for PF board where Q alone can post the rah rah mocking bird propaganda. All other free communication will cease. Now he recommends Voat page that has probably already been set up the be censored for filtered in some way to control the "truth" narrative.


How are you all falling for this? Is Trump wizardry that good?

Anonymous ID: 26e794 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:45 p.m. No.3133694   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Haha good meme and fast work. You will see. Just like Alex Jones threw out a few nuggets and bones to the truther people and then went all Israel is good mainstream (and got rich) is the same way Q threw out some nuggets about +++/++/+, the pope, "bigger than you can imagine" stuff and will soon go all fake Julian Assange type of anonymous truth dropping and intel'ing to the people directly. only it will be the same narrative controlling "approved" truth. Just like Infowars.


You watch. It will take anons half a generation to figure it out. In the mean time, the powers that be will have plenty of time to work out their next mesmerizing, brainwashing, control system.