Anonymous ID: 8bb651 Sept. 21, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.3134262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS speech tonight in Missouri 9/21/2018. One of the best if not THE best.


"There is no substitute for American Power and American Strength. For years you watched your leaders apologize for America.

Now you have a President who will never apologize for America, but will only stand up for America. We are standing up for our values. We are standing up for our Nat'l Anthem.

Loyal citizens like YOU built our Country.

We are returning power back to the American people. Our ancestors fought victories in 2 World Wars. Brave incredible people. The bravest,toughest and most courageous people defeated facism and triumphed over communism and delivered millions into freedom. And we will never sacrifice our proud American Heritage.

This isn't about me. This is a MOVEMENT. We have only just begun like the Pioneers and Patriots of the past. We are going to work. We are going to fight and win win win! We are going to win for our Families. We are going to win for our Freedom. We are going to win for our great American Flag.

We will not bend. We will not break. We will never ever give up. We will never give in. We will never back down and we will always fight on to victory. Cause we are truly Americans. And our hearts bleed red white and blue. Now and forever we are ONE Family, ONE People and ONE glorious Nation under God. And together we will be wealthy again. We will be safe again. We will be strong again. And together we will be great again.