Anonymous ID: cc3b9a Sept. 21, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.3134035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The show Salvation


Q17 is a group of deepstate operatives who stole the escape arc designed to save humanity (yes I know this was discussed already)


Darius tanz who is the scientist that is saving the world from an asteroid. He goes crazy at the end as he is attacked by a sonic weapon.


Tanz finds a way to save the world due to a discovery of a neutron star visible from Antarctica


They are obligated to tell us what is going and often use movies to do so


The solar observatory was shut down mysteriously for weeks with an odd public excuse of child porn provided


Antarctica is a mystery as many high level officials have been routinely visiting this continent over the past few years


Trying to make sense of all of this

Could the real reason the solar observatory closed be due to the viewing of a binary brown dwarf star? Could it have been only viewable through that particular angle provided by that observatory? And they needed to shut it down until it was no longer viewable?


Could all be nothing…