Anonymous ID: 470c42 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.3135282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

having fun over @ voat watching all the clown sleeper accounts go active. It is like 8ch, instead of images you get to view post histories. A lot of goats saying some old, most sleeper saying to block the subs.. what shill would do that?

1 shill

2 goat who already has a tab here and a safe space escape on voat with their own custom sublist. Sort of like the oldanons say they are hardcore enough not to filter here but have to block over there and announce it to /new/ of whatever sub they want to discourage.


Fun times, even some reddit /GA/ people are learning of a different platform and social grooming sites ran by pedo-liberals that have shaped public opinion for the worst for the past decade+
