Anonymous ID: 54a3d1 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.3135374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3134588 possible notable


Just got back from Springfield. I was repping Q on my sign and think I got pointed to several times throughout.


I got it all on phone from ground floor with a few mistakes on my part. I was holding sign and phone above no-name max height for shoulder movement, pre-execution… non stop for the better part of an hour and I have chronic back pain, so I hope it proves to be worth something.


>>3133947 PB


Good find on the Alice… I have to review my film later. (also of note was the absence of a lock her up chant.) I have watched virtually every trump rally for the past year and this is the first time I think that has happened. make of that what you will.


I'll go through my video tomorrow and get it up on bitchute as soon as possible and post here with notes.