Anonymous ID: 25d3e6 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.3135906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6028

Anyone else here who can't get past this? What is President Trumps' strategy on the ever increasing stock market and the constant boisterous pumping.


The numbers are simply not backing up President Trump on the "best economy ever" (health of economy should be evaluated on the participation rate and actual wage growth). I am sure everyone is aware with the 101 all time highs in the stock market the US outstanding debt is increasing at the same rate. In addition most of the the money overseas Trump let back in tax free is simply going to stock buybacks. Simply does not add up if we are looking at eliminating the "corruption" and "exploitation" of Americans.


Since the majority of Americans do not own stocks (outright or thru 401 (k) plans) and since the top 10% own 84% of the stock market the only thing I see is the participation rate getting worse while the country goes more into debt and of course the Cabal/Globalist are getting richer since they own 84% of the stock market .


Tonight September 21 , 2018 Springfield, Missouri Rally .. President Trump claims the new highs are for "we"… but I only see the new highs going to (((they))).


"""President Trumps claims: “We have the best economy in our history today, today” “In fact the stock market which to me is jobs, the stock market hit an all time high again” “And that would mean that one hundred and one days we hit an all time high in the stock market” “We” (points around) “And I don’t say me I say we, because it’s about we” “Amazing people” “ We’re bringing back our factories” ….."""


This is what I don't get. A rising stock market for a few is not nor has it ever trickled down for the 90% of us who simply don't own stocks or own just a few shares, not enough to make a dent. The rising stock market the last 10 years only created jobs for Northern California connected techies and connected Wall Street kids.. QE I and II etc was used for stock buybacks and recently under Trump allowing oversea profits to come back to the US tax free is also being used for stock buy backs. Not creating jobs for "we". What is the strategy here?


For half of Americans, the stock market's record highs don't help at all