Anonymous ID: 332727 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:09 a.m. No.3135925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5947 >>6102

Gunna happen Oct 5th. 10/5/2018. Mirror to this 5/10/2018 post of Nunes Declass Release pic.. that will be 2 days after Emergency Response Alert System.. the team can see what they have to see, bad actirs blockkng them or any deep state fuckery.. and or system flaws.. gives em 2 days to work out bugs then drop the hammer.


Looks like POTUS & Q team knew this diversion w Kav was going to take place.. diversion? Part of the show? Honeypot to get the bad bees to come a buzzing (see who is doing what?)..


At this point not sure, but thinking 10/5 is going to be our day.. 10 days darkness then on social media.. critical time before elections for Dems to cut social media, but its the only way they can keep stories going viral.. for memewarfare to grip the nation w truthbombs.. so they are committing suicide w cutting off their mindcontrol social media sites if this theory is what will happen.. because they will have to or let the truth out about what the deep state Democrat party has done. Either way they are fucked in the election.

Anonymous ID: 332727 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.3135965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nite frens. Glad to see our orphan redditors have a new nest kek owned and maintained.. i am sure they are all tucked into their beds and dreaming of what goats dream. Night goatfrens. Goodnite.