Anonymous ID: ceb75b Sept. 21, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.3135537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course it was manipulated; Does the original footage still exist somewhere, locked far away, unedited? or is the Kubrick alt-filming the only relic left from those non-current moon landings?

As for NASA editing, Autist Gary McKinnon accessed NASA servers back in the early 2000's, and specifically went to computers located in Building 8 of the Johnson Space Center, which housed a lab where they digitally alter photography that was taken, specifically to remove UFO and Extra-terrestrial presence. He'd caught a glimpse at a High-def picture of a cylindrical US ship from his dial-up connection before it was severed.

They'd tried extraditing him for years to the US from the UK, under the same 2003 US-UK Extradition treaty that Q recently posted about in regards to Christopher Steele, the media dubbed him the 9/11 hacker or some stupid shit like that as a cover- while not actually saying in US media what he was being extradited for. But he'd also found excel spreadsheets of NON-TERRESTRIAL OFFICERS and cargo manifests from these ships.. interview vid related, for those interested.