Anonymous ID: 2039ac Sept. 22, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.3136726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6758

++"way above top secret"++


With "all men created equal" it seems some are more equal than others. I hope this is the time that no person or group considers themselves above others when it comes to law and knowledge. It seems that lies, half truths and disinformation toward the population have been in effect for the sole purpose of power and corruption. Getting "woke" is going to be much more that seeing the dirty tactics in our political systems. I anon, am extremely proud to be at the start of the awakening, but I do envy the future generations for what is in store for them. Q said we have more than what we know. Anon may get a hell of alot more than he thought. Could declassification lead to even greater declassifications?