Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.3136313   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3134883 (pd, notable)

I read several mainstream media articles. They mentioned she was in the process of becoming a she-male; that she was diagnosed with a mental illness in 2016; and that she had no criminal record, and her gun was legal, registered to her. So, all of Maryland's invasive gun control laws couldn't stop this carnage. What would? Criminal penalties for doctors who prescribe SSRIs negligently.


I took excerpts from a few articles and created my input below:


Maryland Rite Aid Shooter



Moseley didn’t have a criminal record, the sheriff’s office said. The Glock 9 mm used in the shooting was registered to Moseley.


In six days at the end of August and the beginning of September,

Moseley was stopped by Baltimore County police three times in a corner of White Marsh between the Baltimore Beltway and Interstate 95, according to online court records.


Moseley, driving a 2005 Ford, was issued tickets for, among other

things, not having current registration plates; having a suspended

registration; failing to update her address with the MVA; and not having insurance.


On Sept. 14, the courts received a request to take the cases to trial,

according to the online records.


The woman who fatally shot three co-workers at a Rite Aid distribution center was diagnosed with a mental illness in 2016, the Harford County sheriff said Friday. But that’s not enough to disqualify a person under Maryland law from buying a handgun such as the 9 mm Glock that authorities said the shooter purchased.


The law says handgun sales must be blocked if the prospective buyer has both “a mental disorder” and “a history of violent behavior” against themselves or another person.


Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler did not release details about

Snochia Moseley’s diagnosis. While she had a mental illness when she bought the handgun in March, she did not meet the other condition that would have prohibited the purchase, the sheriff’s office said.



She had a mental illness. "Overnight the detectives interviewed family members and friends and executed a search warrant at the White Marsh residence of the shooter looking for some motive or some cause," the sheriff said Friday morning. "While no evidence directly related to the shooting was recovered, evidence that the shooter was suffering with a mental illness was identified." She was diagnosed with a mental illness in 2016, according to Gahler, who would not specify the nature of the illness. He said: "Friends and family members relayed to detectives that over the last two weeks, she had become increasingly agitated, and that they were concerned for her well-being." Pepper spray and handcuffs

were found on her body, according to officials.


A comment left at


Her mental illness diagnosed in 2016 may have involved SSRI


prescription drugs for treatment.


This class of drugs has been implicated in EVERY mass school shooting thus far. Either the shooter(s) were recently put on SSRIs or were recently tapering off those drugs. SSRIs alter the way the brain processes emotions, and many people don't react well to those drugs, hence the shooters who were recently put on SSRIs.


Other people are helped by SSRIs for a while then require adjustments in their dosage, or even being taken completely off SSRIs due to mental of physical contraindications. While reducing the dosage to taper off, the person's emotions again go through hell as the brain tries to regain its equilibrium, hence the many shootings done by people being taken off SSRIs.


This news has been repressed in news media coverage because the

pharmaceutical companies financially support the mass media as their largest advertising clients. I wish more people, particularly those who have lost family members and friends due to SSRIs would join together and bring class action lawsuits against the makers of these drugs and against the psychiatrists who prescribe them then fail to properly supervise their patients' wellbeing.


I would also like to see laws passed criminalizing the negligent

supervision by any prescriber of a patient who has been prescribed

SSRIs. We read about the mass shootings, but not about the many

thousands of suicides caused by SSRIs. Educate yourself and save

your loved ones by pursuing what I've suggested above. Reducing the use of, or removing altogether, SSRIs from the psychiatric profession would definitely reduce or nearly eliminate senseless shootings.


Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.3136344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is he the daddy of the Siddiqi who was the shooter in S Florida? At the nightclub? I recall it was reported that the shooter's name was Siddiqi and his dad worked for the FBI…

Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.3136655   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, Vince Foster. I used only his last name because I'm not aware of other people with a surname Foster who have been offed on Killery's behalf.

Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:17 a.m. No.3136710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6713 >>6725


The Dems' agenda is backfiring on them. Thanks to their gender newspeak, men are competing in womens' sports, and so ruining it as they break records. Men are invading womens' restrooms and having their way with the occupants, be it women and/or children. More and more women are waking up the the fact that this gender newspeak is BAD for women and children. It's the Dems who are waging war against women.

Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.3136803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6867


Saul of Tarsus, renamed Paul, was the false prophet Jesus warned the Apostles about. Corinthians is all Paul's views, NOT Jesus' or God's. Jesus upheld Old Testament rules.

Anonymous ID: 37391f Sept. 22, 2018, 4:48 a.m. No.3136818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6827 >>6835


Libs at Harvard are baying for blood - want to remove Kavanugh's income by removing his lecture gig