Anonymous ID: 37bab6 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:08 a.m. No.3136668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6687

Good morning.


Would one of you nice faggots please tell me how to embed a video here? I've tried but failed in the past.


Thank you very much.


P.S. I love you guys

Anonymous ID: 37bab6 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.3136782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6797








Board Owner? I just want to chime in to let you know how very special you are. Without you – you humble patriotic public servant faggot, you – there'd be no us, and certainly there would be no way for Q to help us help America and the little innocents all over the world.


I do what I do here to help them, and I thank God that you help make it happen.


Board Owner, I pray for you, the board, our Band of Anons, Q, President Trump, the Trump team, and the United States daily. Most important, I pray daily for the minor, vulnerable, innocent victims of the evil motherfuckers in The Cabal and in the MSM (who conspire with The Cabal to do Satan's work). God willing, through everyone's efforts, we are ending the torture, sacrifice, and killing.


Because of you, Board Owner, we are destroying these worthless cocksuckers for good. I cannot wait for the punishment and suffering of our mortal enemies to begin. May they suffer eternally and mat this evil be purged from earth forever.


Please, please, please, BOARD Owner, pleade do whatever you must to stay physically safe and to protect your loved ones. LOCK AND LOAD. As you know, most of the patriots here are lawfully licensed to carry firearms and carry we do, 247. Our homes are impenetrable fortresses with legal weapons, security systems, cameras, automatic lighting and protective dogs. Please do what you must to stay safe.


You helped me once, via Twatter, when I needed some photos deleted in a pinch. I am, therefore, extremely grateful and at your service if you ever need a thing. I am praying for you, big-league.


STAY SAFE, BOARD OWNER. We love you and need you. THIS IS WAR. God bless us all.

Anonymous ID: 37bab6 Sept. 22, 2018, 5:02 a.m. No.3136890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From PEDOsta Emails, search term extraterrestrial.


NOTE - this email was blind copied to PEDOsta.


Anons, who are the people on the message below?

Thank you if you can help me dig. I'm still digging up other stuff in the PEDOsta emails so please see below & stay tuned.



https: //


Exoconsciousness and Library of Congress Symposium: Request for conversation



Date: 2014-08-02 11:50

Subject: Exoconsciousness and Library of Congress Symposium: Request for conversation



Dear Steven Dick:


Congratulations on your Library of Congress symposium, *Preparing for

Discovery*. What a powerful group of speakers you gathered to discuss

Disclosure. Thank you.


I live in Washington, DC and have worked in the field of Disclosure for many decades. I created the field of Exoconsciousness to study the extraterrestrial presence and contact by integrating consciousness science

and ET experience. Currently, I am working with Dr. Edgar Mitchell,

scientist and Apollo 14 astronaut. My bio is attached. My website is


Steven, I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss

Exoconsciousness. I appreciate your kind response.


We certainly are sharing an exciting time to be contributing to

understanding the ET Presence and Earth's place in the universe.


It is my personal perspective, and one I share with Dr. Mitchell, that our

Earth science and contact, to a great extent, involves human consciousness

and its innate abilities. While science is primarily focused on

neurological-brain based research, there is also a thriving field of both

psychic and cosmic consciousness science. I believe that this field of

psychic, consciousness science will not only take us into space in craft we

can only imagine, more importantly, it will also advance humans as a

space-faring species. Because, within our consciousness is the map to the

stars that we each hold in our being.


As we move beyond our petroleum-based world economy, consciousness science

and exoconsciousness will also open new energy systems, including zero

point energy.


I look forward to our conversation.


Warmest Regards,



Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

Founder, Institute for Exoconsciousness


Bridging Extraterrestrial Experience and Consciousness Science


Skype: rebecca.hardcastle.wright


Mobile: (301) 915-4660







