Anonymous ID: 3e324a Sept. 22, 2018, 4:27 a.m. No.3136748   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6790

If anyone still hasn't watched this video, you mjust do so. I've tried to clean up the YT transcript of the opening few minutes but that's just the beginning. You have to listen to the whole video to understand the extent of control HRC has/had over the internet.


"The Clinton administration in 93 started a plan to give the FBI the backdoor key, encryption backdoor keys to the Internet, and by that I mean anytime you connect from one computer to another those computers exchange keys and without those keys you can't encrypt or decrypt the signal coming from one print machine to another, so literally these keys are used in every transaction on the planet that uses the internet. And what we've discovered… and this has been… it's just…I'm still reeling, my mind is boggled by what we've now come to find out, but that a company called Entrust was created in 1998 as a spin-off of a Canadian telephone company, which is now named something else, but basically the infrastructure is still there, and what we discovered is that a private company, named in trust, became the certificate authority for issuing these digital keys for many organizations. And we've had people looking at the securities filings for this company from 1998 to 2009 when they sold out to a San Francisco firm. And what we discovered astoundingly is that Hillary Clinton's partner at the Rose law firm directs this company as a class-one director. He was slipped in in late 2003 and this means that we can show solid proof that the entire Internet has been compromised in that Hillary Clinton and the Clintons have access to all the digital keys for all transactions on the planet. That is just astounding how a private individual could have come to have such power but the facts are now clear, that's the, that's the circumstance we're in right now. This includes almost all of the agencies, executive agencies of the government. And that includes the Department of Treasury, Department of Commerce - I'm just looking up that list right here – Commerce, Treasury, National Institute of Standards and Technology, General Services Agency - the GSA – the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the US Post Office the US Patent Office, the US Marine Corps, the US CoastGuard and on and on and on. And then, beyond that, we see the names of most of the major telecommunications players in Canada, in Scandinavia, in Denmark. The list… according to their records they have over 2,000 key customers and therefore the Clintons, through their director - his name is Jerry C Jones – have access to the entire back door of the Internet. Even when going the NSA is subservient to the operation in trust, who we should not entrust with anything, and they owned them. Who runs them, that's another whole question. Orlando Bravo some outfit in California, so comes down to a company Thoma Bravo that actually controls in trust."

Anonymous ID: 3e324a Sept. 22, 2018, 4:43 a.m. No.3136806   🗄️.is đź”—kun


They don't need a data centre - they can just access any files they want - in and out. Delete, files, use them to blackmail, get ahead of whistelblowers and have them 187'd, whatever they want. They can help themselves and do as they please.

And it's the same crowd - Clintons, Comey, Mueller etc.

You have to listen to the whole video to appreciate the full extent of the control they have exercised over the past twenty years. Navigation, satellites, 9/11, they took over the world.