Anonymous ID: 3f2b16 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.3136476   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6486 >>6501 >>6535 >>6684 >>6712 >>6886





>Linus Torvalds forced out of Linux by daughter + small clique of strange looking people with purple and pink hair

>Linux commits to special "Code of Conduct" pushed by far left for years that can get anyone banned from contributing for any or no reason

>feminists gloat on twitter about how happy they are all the toxicalities will now be gone

>they immediately start trying to get all the best coders "fired" (banned from project)

>actual linux coders may revoke all their code and fuck it all up on their way out


>Linux developers threaten to pull “kill switch”

>Most of the internet could be affected as Linux devs threaten to revoke entire histories of code commits in response to CoC controversy.


Huge chaos can come out of this shit as the kernel of the OS can be revoked by the people who are getting targeted by the SJW's to leave the project.

Anonymous ID: 3f2b16 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.3136535   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6549 >>6559


Some comments on this issue from the past bread about it on 4c:



>coders takes away their codes from the kernel.

>Linux becomes vaporware

>internet BTFO

>Stock markets BTFO

>Military infrastructures BTFO

>and tons of other areas BTFO

>all because of a one sick transvestite

>this timeline and simulation is a joke

>world / simulation ends with a farting sound (Gabriel's trumpet?)


<Explain moar:

Nobody can build or upgrade anything that uses electricity, from Fisher Price to GMC to HP to Google (Android) to Netgear, all fucked; and the jews won't be letting go of their SJW moles. Either some CEO has them sassasssinateds, or everything moves to BSD, which will still be quite the undertaking, halting all development while everyone makes the switch.

Anonymous ID: 3f2b16 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.3136549   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Another explanation

The CIA and other intelligence agencies infiltrated and led the charge of leftist movements for decades now, they have tried and failed many times to get Linus to commit backdoors, and Linus has been actively guarding himself against ALL women and never entering a room or elevator alone with one to avoid being accused falsely of rape or assault. For at least a DECADE. This is well documented observed behaviour if you search forum posts about the topic (beneath all the bullshit news today on the web).

And go figure the FIRST guy they go after when Linus is out is Tso, the man who is famous for patching backdoors in the kernel.

It's hardly even up for debate that this is the case.