Anonymous ID: 629ca1 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.3136548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6565 >>6568 >>6569 >>6577 >>6579 >>6585 >>6589 >>6591 >>6596 >>6604 >>6606 >>6610 >>6611 >>6617 >>6625 >>6638 >>6647 >>6648 >>6654 >>6664 >>6678 >>6681 >>6747 >>6764 >>6770 >>6792 >>6804 >>6809 >>6837 >>6861 >>6908


Bro you are still thinking in terms of "mod competition".

I honestly don't know what is best for the Redditfugees, so you are right on that part. I hate moderation, just like you, just like everyone else who has shitposted on any imageboard ever. However, it is now my job to figure out the solution to that problem, which my team will do. I am not trying to "steal users from other platforms". If it turns out that the SFW subverse that is already established is preferable to the new subverse I made for the Redditfugees then so be it. However, let it be known:


I don't give a fuck where anyone chooses to dig, as long as we are digging for the same gold.


I don't know which direction I'm going to take this Voat subverse, but it's my job to figure it out, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. None of the subverse options are set in stone yet as we have just started hours ago. I am listening to all those concerned. Some of you are helpful, some of you are useless crybabies. Either you can help me with this or we leave your bitter ass behind. We are not worried about the state of the Great Awakening movement. We trust the plan.


If you have any advice to give me, I will listen, otherwise take your concernfag black-pill shit elsewhere.


You know, I was just offered money for this a few hours ago. I declined obviously.

I get the brunt of seeing how desparate some paytriots are of having their name plastered all over the shit you guys do. My DMs are fucking cancer dude.

It drives me nuts. I don't want to see you guys gaming eachother for a few bucks, I want to see red pills tumble outta here, I wanna see you faggots dig. I watch all of you faggots put in so much work to disseminate your digs and I know who's in the shit for real.


You guys have no idea how badly faggots wanted to moderate the SFW spaces that we helped to create. There are some sheisty motherfuckers out here.

I started QResearch for you, not for me.


You keep putting me on some kind of pedestal, but I am no one special (ffs Q said stop doing that btw), I am just an anon like anyone else here, and you don't have to go to the platforms that I create for you guys, but if you think I'm some kind of shepherd that has all the answers up front, then I don't know what you tell you at this point tbh. All we want is for people to DIG and DISSEMINATE. It doesn't get any more complicated or simple than that. Your bitching only shows that we were the right faggots chosen to do this.

We will perform to the best of our ability to make sure the Great Awakening continues, and if you're not fully with us, then we'll fuckin' see ya later.




Thanks bakers.

Anonymous ID: 629ca1 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.3136772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6783 >>6785 >>6808 >>6916


>Wow, dafuck that they offered you $$ today, not surprised at all

I just burned a huge fucking bridge with my statement. You could probably guess with who. No regrets.



Having a special place in yours is not what I want. You should be celebrating eachother.



Mine is irrelevant. I hope the world gets to enjoy life, forget about mine. I will suffer happily as long as you get to have one.



No, fucker, you are the pillars.

Anonymous ID: 629ca1 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.3136797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6821


I don't know of the Twitter-pinch you're talking about. I've deleted tons of self-dox, but stay safe anon. We need you, you faggot.



RGB, just keep making that sweet sweet tasty bread. That's all I can ask for.