Anonymous ID: 86bbf5 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.3136798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VOAT was chosen for a reason. The founders, Justin Chastain and Atif Colo are true patriots. Several years ago they wanted to create Reddit alternative with the exception of having absolute free speech and because of this, Paypal and others blocked them so that they could financially destroy them. VOAT was very close to shutting down back in may 2017 due to very high monthly costs of $6600 and above which was due to high amount of traffic their site got and that required some high end servers to cope with it.


They made an announcement about this and very shortly after they were bombarded with massive donations(not sure what service they used as Paypal had their account disabled) If their monthly costs were $6600 just to pay for hosting this site, their donations must've really been big if the owner was very confident he can keep the site running with the money he had gotten.


They have faced some serious DDoS attacks in the past, all because they haven't bent over to reddit type of censorship. Reddit's recent attacks on conservatives and generally non sjws have led to many people fleeing to VOAT to find their new home. As stated before, the site looks a lot like Reddit which is why it's very easy place for former Reddit users to regroup at. I strongly believe Q team contacted Justin&Atif and took them and their website under their wing(as in cover all the costs+technical help againts various future attacks)


All subs have same type of moderation as Reddit does, hence Q wanted someone he could trust to create it, which is why BO was chosen. One would have to assume BO's VOAT sub will have same trusted mods as qresearch does. This doesn't mean VOAT sub by former /r/greatawakening mods is in anyway compromised, it's just about mitigating risks to a minimum.


I'm not associated with this website by the way, in fact all this info has been gathered within last hour or so. My first impression of the name was that it must be some Discord type of thing, well little did I know. Q's choice started to make much more sense after I did my research on this site.


VOAT nearly being shutdown due to high monthly costs(approximately $6600) posted may 17th 2017


General announcements about attacks, needing for donations and other important issues. It's worthy to check it out to get a better picture of what kind of things this site has gone through to get to where it is today.