Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.3136250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did we catch this?

Kavanaugh Accuser Misses 10PM Deadline, Grassley Grants Demand For One More Day

Sat, 09/22/2018 - 00:01

Update: Grassley has granted Ford an additional day to decide on next week's testimony.


In several late Friday tweets, Grassley wrote:


"Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u…



Judge Kavanaugh I just granted another extension to Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w the statement she made last week to testify to the senate She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive



With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor"




Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u


11:27 PM - Sep 21, 2018


9,197 people are talking about this

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.3136279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684 >>6886

Europe Descends Into Tyranny

September 21, 2018

Europe Descends Into Tyranny


Italian Journalist Maurizio Blondet notes that France has adopted the Soviet Union’s method of dealing with political dissidents.


Tyranny is institutionalized in the EU which has no regard for the opinions of the peoples whose governments signed away their liberties by submerging the identities of countries into a tyrannical European institution. Marine Le Pen opposes the decision of the French government to terminate the existence of France as a sovereign state by making France a mere province in a multinational state.


This is a liberation fight from the Soviet EU

by Maurizio Blondet


Certainly readers already know that the Prosecutor’s Office of Nanterre has ordered that Marine Le Pen, secretary of the Rassemblement National (former FN) and parliamentary to the Assembly, be submitted to psychiatric examination. This, in the context of an indictment for “the dissemination of violent messages on the Internet, Article 706-47-1 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure”. The MP committed the crime of posting photos of atrocities committed by ISIS Islamic terrorists: a Syrian soldier crushed by crawlers, the body of the beheaded journalist James Foley, a Jordanian pilot burned alive.


We must explain why. This happened in December 2015, when France was hit by the bloody attacks signed by Daesh. The journalist of the Jewish TV BFM-TV, Jean-Jacques Bourdin, dedicated the transmission to the following insinuation: the growth of the Front National is accompanied by the growth of jihadism, “the goal of Daesh is to push French society to the withdrawal of identity” and to vote for the Front.


A type of media insinuation that we know well. The Le Pen has judged “an unclean parallel” the juxtaposition between the Front and the ISIS and for demonstrative purposes she posted the atrocious photos, with the words: “Daesh is this”:


Immediately incriminated by “justice”, for having posted this “violent” photo (even if already seen and published), now the Prosecutor’s Office orders her to undergo a mandatory psychiatric visit; the psychiatrist will have to verify if the lady is “hit by a psychic or neuropsychiatric disorder who has abolished her capacity for discernment” in posting those images. It seems that this kind of procedure is “normal” and systematic in these cases of location of violent images on the web.


In posting the tribunal injunction, Le Pen commented: “This regime is REALLY scary.”


It is hardly necessary to remember that psychiatric treatment for opponents was a specialty practiced in the Soviet Union; today it is inaugurated in Western Europe. It will not be limited to France.


In fact, in the general silence of the mainstream media and governments, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is emerging: it will take away sovereignty even in the criminal field, with the consequences that it is not difficult to imagine:


Salvini at risk. EU Prosecutor’s Office is born. It could decide on Italy and immigration.


Just so “Affari Italiani” writes, the online newspaper that (the only one) has given the news the right importance.


22 States have already surrendered criminal sovereignty to an indictment of prosecution that subtracts the accused to the natural judge – including obviously Italy: the Italy of Gentiloni, of Renzi, of the Italian Democratic Party. But if our government does not hurry to break this further chain, it will have taken a decisive step towards our servitude. And it will have given a terrible weapon in the hands of our factious and already omnipotent procurators, against those politicians whom they judge as ideological adversaries, like Salvini in the eyes of the Prosecutor’s Office of Agrigento. This is exactly what Vladimir Bukovski, writer and former Soviet dissident, has been prophesying for years: the EU is becoming more and more similar to the USSR.


This is exactly what Vladimir Bukovski, writer and former Soviet dissident, has been prophesying for years: the EU is becoming more and more similar to the USSR.


Every day we must become more aware that the fight against the EU is a real fight for liberation – to regain freedom and equality in the European assembly, where we have been reduced to inferiors and subordinates.

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.3136306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Social Justice Warriors force retraction of scientific study because it doesn’t fit the “Left Cult” narrative that claims men and woman are exactly the same

09/19/2018 / By Ethan Huff

Two university professors are under attack by a leftist, feminist mob for reporting on factual statistics that show a clear academic achievement gap between men and women.


Theodore Hill from the University of Georgia and Sergei Tabachnikov from Penn State are both being accused of “gender bias” for merely documenting in a research paper that men tend to dominate the top and bottom of the intelligence spectrum, particularly in the field of mathematics.


Hill and Tabachnikov co-authored a paper together on this subject that was accepted and briefly published by the journal Mathematical Intelligencer, only to later be withdrawn in order to pacify a horde of angry feminists and their enablers who took issue with the paper’s content.


According to their research, there are more men than women at the top of the intelligence pyramid – but also more men than women at the bottom, suggesting that most women scholars exist somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.


It’s just the facts, but apparently these facts are upsetting to the colleagues of both of these men, who demanded that this research be pulled from the Mathematical Intelligencer journal, or else.


“The scandal at our department shows no signs of receding,” wrote Sergei in a September 4 email to Hill, his co-author, explaining how a female colleague reprimanded him for promoting “bias” against females.


After spending “endless hours” trying to explain to his colleagues that facts are facts, they continued to insist that he and Hill’s paper was “bad and harmful.” They further threatened Sergei that if he didn’t withdraw his name from the paper to “restore peace” within the department, that he might lose “whatever political capital [he] may still have.”


“[A]nalogies with scientific racism were made by some,” he added. “I am afraid, we are likely to hear more of it in the future.”

Academic freedom and free speech “conflict” with Penn State’s “values,” school insists

Before insane liberals and fascist feminists took over academia, its focus was on uncovering truths like this. Now, it’s about covering up truths like this that trigger leftists who insist upon believing that men and women are exactly the same in every way.


Anyone who questions this, or even presents mere data to show that this isn’t true, is burned at the proverbial stake, which is exactly what’s happening to Sergei and Hill.


At a recent Penn State faculty meeting about the conflict, it was brought up that the allegations being made against Sergei and Hill are ridiculous in light of academic freedom and free speech. But the school responded by stating that academic freedom and free speech often come into conflict “with other values to which Penn State [is] committed.”


In other words, free speech and academic freedom are both prohibited at Penn State whenever they’re subjectively determined to have violated the school’s other “values,” which in this case appears to include academic endeavors that some liberals and feminists find “offensive.”


Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:03 a.m. No.3136335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6374 >>6401 >>6693 >>6731

It’s TREASON! Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner now engaged in open insurrection against the United States of America

Friday, September 21, 2018 by: Mike Adams

It’s time to call for the arrest and prosecution of top Democrat lawmakers for treason. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Mark Warner have all signed a letter demanding the FBI and DOJ defy the declassification orders of the U.S. President. They are demanding this in order to hide their own criminality, of course. It’s a desperate move for deep state Democrats to prevent the truth from coming out about their complicity in the illegal spying on Trump campaign officials throughout 2016, 2017 and even 2018.


All across government, Democrats now think they alone get to decide who runs the country, even after they lost a democratic election in 2016. Every one of these Democrats knows that the power to declassify documents rests with the sitting U.S. President. Obama had the same power, and he used it at will. When Obama called for documents to be declassified, such orders were obediently followed by government workers. But now that President Trump seeks to exercise the same power, high-level Democrats are demanding a deep state coup against the President, insisting that no one follow his orders.


Here’s a screen shot of the letter in question:

An “attempted coup” is now under way in America

President Trump now needs to issue arrest orders for these traitors, all of whom are heavily implicated in the documents about to be released. “What this is in an attempt at a coup,” said Judge Janine Pirro on Lou Dobbs tonight (see the video below). “It’s not just obstruction, it is an attempt at a coup. And if you know the Rules of the Radicals, one of the main [tactics] is to create havoc… it is akin to treason. It is outrageous.”

Take action NOW: Demand the full release of unredacted documents

Call your representatives in Washington D.C. at (202) 224-3121.


Demand the traitors be arrested and subjected to military tribunals for plotting a deep state coup against the President of the United States.


The Democrats have now confirmed the existence of their deep state conspiracy to overthrow Trump. The corrupt, criminal Democrats and their deep state operatives inside the federal government are now engaged in open insurrection against the United States of America.

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.3136360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6434 >>6573 >>6684 >>6886

Hannity Warns Trump Not To Fire Rosenstein… While Laura Ingraham Urges His Ousting

by Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Sep 22nd, 2018, 2:19 am

The latest bombshell from The New York Times has the Fox News primetime lineup torn.


On Friday, the Times released an explosive report about how Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had made an attempt to organize the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment against President Donald Trump during the fallout of his firing of FBI Director James Comey and that he had also suggested to secretly record the president during visits to the White House.

Well, this story has Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham offering different advice for the president.

Kicking off his opening monologue, Hannity warned Trump to “not fall into a trap” despite the report of Rosenstein wanting to organize a “silent coup.”


“We are experiencing tonight a massive constitutional crisis. And frankly, this is designed to setup the president,” Hannity told his audience. “Under zero circumstances should the president fire anybody. These actors tonight, and I have multiple sources confirming this and more information coming, they are hoping and praying that the president does just that. They’re hoping he gets mad, that he gets sick and tired of it, and that they can turn this politically into their equivalent of a Friday Night Massacre. The president needs to know that this is all a setup. He needs to know that regardless of whether he steps in or not, and I would argue he should definitely not, the Deep State tonight is crumbling from within at this very hour. They are now turning against each other.”

Meanwhile, Laura Ingraham had a drastically different message.


Earlier on Twitter, she urged the president to fire Rosenstein “today.”


Laura Ingraham


Rod Rosenstein must be fired today. @realDonaldTrump


2:46 PM - Sep 21, 2018


15K people are talking about this

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Later on her show, Ingraham doubled down.

“If the New York Times reporting is accurate, the president tonight should seriously consider whether Rod Rosenstein should remain on the job,” Ingraham said. “We just cannot have this plotting at the highest levels of our Justice Department against the chief executive of this executive branch.”


Ingraham criticized Trump for “backtracking” on releasing the FISA memo, calling it a “big gift” for Rosenstein.


Watch the clips above, via Fox News.

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.3136384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Judiciary Committee Plans to Subpoena McCabe Memos Outlined in New York Times Reporting….

Posted on September 21, 2018 by sundance

The House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Bob Goodlatte, tweeted today their intention to immediately subpoena the memos written by fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The memos were part of an article presented by the New York Times citing evidence of Rod Rosenstein making statements about President Trump.


The House Judiciary Committee announced on Friday that it intends to subpoena memos from former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe detailing reported comments made by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in which he proposed secretly taping conversations with President Trump and initiating a process to remove the president by invoking the 25th Amendment. (read more)

However, the subpoena alone that’s not the revelation-angle within the story. There’s a bigger story as noted by judiciary committee Representative Jim Jordan: “Mr. Rosenstein, give Congress the McCabe memos that we asked for in July and all the other documents we’ve requested so we can all judge for ourselves.”


The bigger revelation here is how someone, some unknown FBI officials, kept the McCabe memos from congress and subsequently from a previous internal INSD investigation of McCabe.


According to the New York Times the memos were given to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and a copy kept inside the FBI. This friendly custody process ultimately kept those memos from Inspector General Michael Horowitz who wrote an entire 2018 IG report on McCabe without having that 2017 documentary evidence for citation.

Why is this important?

Well, consider this as an example how someone, some faceless nameless group inside the system, is manipulating the outcomes of the IG investigation and subsequent IG reporting by withholding evidence that is adverse to their interests. It is virtually guaranteed those same unnamed and unknown officials are the same people behind the unnecessary redactions within non-classified Lisa Page and Peter Strzok personal text messages.


The OIG can only report on facets of the investigation he is able to reach. If the system within the investigated agency is withholding information, well, clearly we can see how that would impact the investigative outcome and Inspector General report.


That troubling reality circles directly back to President Trump today saying he will hold-back on his declassification directive toward DOJ/FBI documents, pending the use of those documents by the IG in the current FISA abuse probe. In essence, President Trump is holding the DOJ and FBI accountable to an honest assessment of the internal corruption.


If IG Horowitz -using the declassified evidence- does not outline the institutional corruption and how the FISA process was weaponized for political benefit, President Trump can proceed to declassify the underlying documents to the public and expose the corrupt manipulation of more than just the DOJ and FBI; Trump will be exposing corruption within the Office of the Inspector General. That’s the leverage.


Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:32 a.m. No.3136455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466 >>6474 >>6529

Trump hints Rosenstein may not have a job much longer

By Nikki Schwab September 21, 2018 | 9:26pm

President Trump hinted Friday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein may not be working at the Department of Justice much longer.


During a campaign rally in Springfield, Missouri, Trump suggested that about “95 percent” of people at the Department of Justice and the FBI supported him, “but you’ve got some real bad ones,” pointing out that at the FBI “they’re all gone.”


“But there’s a lingering stench and we’re going to get rid of that too,” Trump proclaimed.


He made the comment hours after the New York Times reported that Rosenstein had discussed recruiting members of Trump’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment against the president in the days following FBI Director James Comey’s dismissal.


The Times reported that Rosenstein suggested secretly recording Trump as well.


Rosenstein is in charge of the ongoing Russia probe because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself.


Also at the rally, Trump continued to back his problematic Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh.


“Fantastic man. Fantastic man,” Trump said of the judge, who’s been accused of a high school-era sexual assault.


The president was in the Show Me State to stump for state Attorney General Josh Hawley, who is running against Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.

Taking on McCaskill the president said, “She just announced she won’t vote for [Kavanaugh], can you believe it?”


“And he was born – you talk about Central Casting – he was born, they were saying it 10 years ago about him, he was born for it. And it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen,” Trump said of Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation.


It was an encore of Thursday night’s rally in Las Vegas, where Trump called Kavanaugh “one of the finest human beings you will ever have the privilege of knowing or meeting” and boasted about the “tremendous support” the judge had.


Prior to the president bringing up Kavanaugh, the crowd had chanted the Supreme Court pick’s name.


On Friday, however, Trump riled up lawmakers including Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a pivotal swing vote, by tweeting, “Why didn’t someone call the FBI 36 years ago?”


The president had made the same quip to Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity the night before in an interview conducted directly before the campaign rally.


“If the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed,” Trump tweeted Friday morning.


Collins said she was “appalled” by the president’s statement.


“I thought that the president’s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong,” the Maine Republican said.

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.3136471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684 >>6886

Credit Trump’s toughness for Putin’s softening in Syria

By Leonid Bershidsky September 22, 2018 | 5:42am

All of a sudden, President Vladimir Putin is a soft touch on Syria.


First, he let President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey persuade him not to begin a huge attack on the Syrian opposition in Idlib. Then he defused a conflict with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel over a downed Russian military plane.


Putin’s risk-taking has shaped the outcome of the Syrian war. But in this final stage of the conflict, he is facing powerful constraints on further muscular action.


One of his biggest achievements in Syria has been to show that Russia can successfully ignore the United States in the Middle East and set itself up as a fast-moving, resolute, go-to player. It turns out, however, that he can no longer assume US passivity, and that means being careful with US allies, too.


On Monday, Putin and Erdogan agreed to set up a demilitarized zone in the Syrian province of Idlib, to be jointly patrolled by Russian and Turkish troops. It was a turnabout from Russia’s earlier intention to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s push to retake Idlib.


It’s difficult to imagine Putin was swayed by Erdogan’s warnings that an offensive could lead to a bloodbath: In similar situations before, notably when Assad recaptured Aleppo in 2016 with Russian help, Putin ignored such warnings.


Hours after the Idlib agreement was announced, a Russian military plane carrying 14 service members was shot down over Syria. CNN, citing a US government source, reported that Assad’s air defense had downed the aircraft.


Kremlin propaganda outlets and Internet trolls reacted with disbelief, likely anticipating official attempts to blame the incident on Israel, whose aircraft were attacking a regime target at the time.


The Russian defense ministry then admitted that the Syrians had launched the missile, but it still blamed Israeli pilots, who, according to ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov, “set up” the Russian plane for the attack, using it as cover against the Syrian air defenses.


Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu made an angry call to his Israeli counterpart, and the ministry put out a statement saying it reserved the right to an “adequate response.”

There will be no consequences, however: On Tuesday, Putin downplayed the incident during a press conference.


Although he said he had approved the defense ministry statement, the Russian president refrained from blaming Israel.


He denied the incident was in any way like the downing of a Russian fighter plane by Turkey in 2015, which lead to a temporary breakdown in Russian-Turkish relations and to Russian economic sanctions against Turkey. In a phone conversation, Putin merely called on Netanyahu to stick to deconfliction agreements.


Is Putin suddenly going soft in the Syrian endgame?


In 2016, he would have been expected to defy Erdogan in Idlib and shake his fist at Netanyahu, perhaps setting off a domestic propaganda offensive against Israel and making it harder for the Israelis to attack targets in Syria. Not in late 2018, though.


The change should probably be credited to President Trump. Unlike President Barack Obama, Trump has not hesitated to use force against the Assad regime. He has stepped up the US military presence in Syria, and he reportedly agreed recently to keep troops there indefinitely. Erdogan’s warnings against attacking Idlib were backed up by some strong rhetoric from the United States.


The last thing Putin wants is for the US, flanked by Turkey and Israel, to attack the Assad regime. He’d be pitted against three major military powers with only Iran and the feckless Assad forces as his allies.


Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.3136536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House optimistic on China trade; no date for more talks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is optimistic about finding a way forward in its trade dispute with China, but it does not have a date scheduled for further talks as it assesses Beijing’s response to the latest round of tariffs, a senior White House official said on Friday.


The official said despite its protestations, China was well aware of U.S. demands it halt what Washington considers unfair trade practices. U.S. President Donald Trump has made clear his resolve on the issue, the official said, and the two sides remain in touch.


“We have been very clear in all of these meetings about what is … required,” the official said. “I am still optimistic that there is a positive way forward, and the president wants us to continue to engage to try to achieve a positive way forward.”


The official’s comments came ahead of a report by the Wall Street Journal that China had canceled mid-level trade talks with the United States, as well as a proposed visit to Washington by vice premier Liu He originally scheduled for next week.


Earlier this week, China added $60 billion of U.S. products to its import tariff list as it hit back at U.S. duties on $200 billion of Chinese goods that go into effect from Sept. 24. The escalating trade dispute has spooked financial markets.


Speaking to reporters at the White House on condition of anonymity, the official made clear the administration’s ultimate goal was not to separate the interlinked U.S. and Chinese economies, but he said companies could choose to alter their supply chains if Beijing did not change course.


“Our goal here is not to cleave off the Chinese market from the U.S. market, I don’t think that’s good for long-term growth,” he said. “In the short term there is of course a risk that if China continues on the path it is, that some companies as a result of this may start … to move supply chains.”


The official also said he hoped Canada would agree to join a U.S.-Mexico trade deal by the end of the month, while saying he thought U.S. lawmakers would support a bilateral deal with Mexico if that did not happen.


U.S. and Canadian officials have been engaged in talks to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement, a 1994 deal that underpins $1.2 trillion in trade between the United States, Canada and Mexico.


The official dismissed concerns separate deals with Canada and Mexico would have a negative impact on supply chains.


“I think it’s overblown to say that if we have separate deals with these two, that there still can’t be a really high degree of integration,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 8e49a7 Sept. 22, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.3136633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese police arrest 21 over data theft at Alibaba's delivery arm: Xinhua

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese police on Friday arrested 21 suspects in connection with the theft of customer information from Alibaba Group Holding’s logistics affiliate Cainiao Network, state news agency Xinhua reported.


More than 10 million pieces of client data - including user names, phone numbers and parcel tracking numbers - were stolen from Cainiao, which provides logistics support to Alibaba’s Taobao e-commerce platform, the report said.

The agency said that police in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, had been told by the logistics company in June that barcode scanners used in its distribution stations had been infected with malware.

The security breach had now been fixed, Cainiao told Xinhua.


In a statement, Cainiao said it had detected a suspicious malware infection in some of the parcel scanners used by its logistics partners earlier this year and immediately reported the findings to the police and upgraded its systems.


It said a police investigation determined that none of the illegally obtained data had been shared with any third parties.


“Cainiao views protection of customer data as its highest priority and will continue its robust efforts to keep its platform secure,” it added.


Reporting by Meg Shen; Editing by David Goodman