Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 3:24 a.m. No.3136422   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6442 >>6548



Handofff Confirmed


Sorry had to get to the bottom of the bread… Was baking last night during rally start, Q was posting as may as 5 times per bread, board was laggy AF, I could barely bake - lookin for a smoother ride for redemption tis early morning, Kek.


I got it, rest easy baker.

Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.3136494   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This board was so laggy at the beginning of the Trump rally… Posts were taking minutes to show up, had to refresh to even see the post. If the upgrades we received yesterday are "all they have'' we are in big trouble. So many people coming, the traffic is too much.


Great that another place was created, maybe in will alleviate some of the pressure here.

Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.3136607   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6615 >>6772

Hey BO, I deal with stressful situations in my life both professional & personal…


I can't even imagine the level that you are experiencing right now. Bet it feels like the whole world is on your shoulders, and tbh, it kinda is… Hang in there, trust your instincts and don't listen to stupid faggots -shill or shill like forces are always there at the ready to nibble away at what they can.


Wow, dafuck that they offered you $$ today, not surprised at all…


History will judge you well.




Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.3136657   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6675


The Roths? The Pharoahs? The Masons? The Illuminati? The Khazar fake Jews?, sorry I know I am leaving some manifestation of evil out…


Hell idk, but it was ((them)) one way or another. Who do you think ((they)) are?

Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 4:11 a.m. No.3136684   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6716 >>6762

Notables Thus Far


>>3136476 Instability in the Linux Space?

>>3136471 Credit Trump’s toughness for Putin’s softening in Syria

>>3136320 Omar Siddiqui FB? Post

>>3136457 English Anon Showing U.S. some love

>>3136385 Trust the Plan Anons, that MI is on time, every time.

>>3136360 Hmmm… Hannity on the right side of History, Not so much for Laura Ingram?

>>3136279 Europe Descends Into Tyranny

>>3136299 Democrat Playbook, Vid

>>3136261, >>3136380, >>3136599, >>3136660 PlaneFag Reports

>>3136211 Greetings From Finland


Please feel free to point out anything missed or fake/gay shit

Anonymous ID: df0a7c Sept. 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.3136886   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6895 >>6904 >>6909

Notable Bun


#3969 New Baker Incoming

>>3136703 Keep America Great

>>3136476 Instability in the Linux Space?

>>3136471 Credit Trump’s toughness for Putin’s softening in Syria

>>3136320 Omar Siddiqui FB? Post

>>3136457 English Anon Showing U.S. some love

>>3136385 Trust the Plan Anons, that MI is on time, every time.

>>3136360 Hmmm… Hannity on the right side of History, Not so much for Laura Ingram?

>>3136279 Europe Descends Into Tyranny

>>3136299 Democrat Playbook, Vid

>>3136261, >>3136380, >>3136599, >>3136660, >>3136729, >>3136851 PlaneFag Reports

>>3136211 Finland's FM mysterious "Alice in Wonderland" reference