Anonymous ID: cb9816 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:14 a.m. No.3138303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340


>But damn folks can't we agree those optics aren't great?

Not optics. Social capture: we are attempting to red-pill family —(Grandma, Grandpa, 11 year-old son/daughter, Mom …) Exposure to "inappropriate" isn't anons' fault to be sure, but it ain't the normies' fault either … Voat/8chan shilling scared some decent peeps away … You gotta have somewhere suitable.

Who the fuck's idea was it to bring them to 8chan, or throw them to the wolves on Voat? We definitely lost anybody intelligent and professional in all this. This was NOT a visionary move. In fact it smacks of divisionary, weird and suspect tactics. I give a toss about yr statistics or stress traffic— we just put off a big segment of America …



>need to get used of no censorship

NO, THEY don't. They don't want to be here, or on voat as it happens. They do not need to get used to anything.

Moderation is a perfectly rational concept. That's why it was invented in the first place. (Duh) It doesn't suit Anons at all, no one disputes that, but it sure makes things easier for straight family folks … So cut the drivel about censorship … The argument about Freedom of Speech is for higher echelon semantic nitpicking, NOT for Joe and Jenny Six-Pack. And by upper echelon I do NOT mean the brave folks doing their "niggerfaggotfucktittiesweeweepoopoolittledickcocksuckercumwank" routine like broken records …. Dammit guys, we don't have TIME for that. What? Ram shit down their throats on TOP of what they are already struggling to understand?

One guy on Reddit said he'd spent the last month with his Mom and Gran explaining globalism, and they were just about getting an idea … Just use YOUR imaginations folks.


>Maybe they will learn before it's too late. Bad optics, yes big time,


OK. So how long is it gonna take YOU to learn YOU are not just some backwater forum in USA but, eg,, a part of a bigger world? I bet that will take a month of Sundays to teach the anons on 8chan … Seems simple enough to me!


I just had to say that. It's bin getting on my nerves for over a week of lurking and watching incompetence and bedlam all over the shop.

Don't berate me. I have just spent since Nov 6 lurking here. Went thru CBTS —The Swamp Watch, Drain The Swamp —> The Great Awakening —> The_GreatAwakening (back again, back and forth), v/GreatAwakening, v/theawakening, PatriotsAwoken … I'm tired of the bitching about GAredditors being a bunch of arsehole normies, that's all. Thanks for reading. Godspeed all and hope we make it out of here alive.

Anonymous ID: cb9816 Sept. 22, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.3138430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


see my post above. We have a hard enough time for the really simple shit let alone subversive language. What about just normal propaganda as an idea — that is already a HUGE challenge for these guys.