I am up again, can bake!!
I grew up in Houston, I know all about that. The batteries & water will be empty, Kek.
Sorry, I will calm down, hove not figured out what kind of shills we have today yet. I woke up at 4:30 am and baked for 3 hours… Shill free, it was an amazing blessing <3
Notables Thus Far
>>3138664, >>3138760, >>3138975 Regarding Amanda Renteria (AR) and connection with Loretta Lynch (LL)
>>3138459, >>3138465 Senate Judiciary aide resigns amid sexual harassment allegation
>>3138516 VP of largest Muslim Org in Jakarta has resigned
>>3138534 Democrats float more Kavanaugh investigations, impeachment even if he is confirmed
>>3138524 Dig on Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks
>>3138551 Voat update: The mods at the awakening are directing the subscribers to QRV
>>3138706 Planefag Update: Botswana AF Visiting Houston
>>3138664 Revisit: Tarmac Meeting Graphic
Please feel free to comment
>>3139115 Iran's Khamenei says attack on military parade is linked to U.S. allies
>>3138664, >>3138760, >>3138975 Regarding Amanda Renteria (AR) and connection with Loretta Lynch (LL)
>>3138459, >>3138465 Senate Judiciary aide resigns amid sexual harassment allegation
>>3138516 VP of largest Muslim Org in Jakarta has resigned
>>3138534 Democrats float more Kavanaugh investigations, impeachment even if he is confirmed
>>3138524 Dig on Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks
>>3138551 Voat update: The mods at the awakening are directing the subscribers to QRV
>>3138706 Planefag Update: Botswana AF Visiting Houston
>>3138664 Revisit: Tarmac Meeting Graphic