The bigger they are the harder they fall
I just watched Styxhexenhammer666 newest vid "The Data Society Connections Map is Literally a Map Of What the Establishment Fears". The guy is intelligent but he is so naive. I am afraid his world is going to be turned upside down when it comes out about the Satanist Cabal and all the horrors they do. He thinks he knows but the more I watch him the more I don't think he is aware. Maybe he's stuck in his tunnel vision and isn't ready to know everything he thought was one way is actually another.
I really like Styxx and hope he doesn't crash too hard when SHTF.
Why are you doxxing him? We don't do that
No we don't . You must be one of the ones that was busted for being a fake MAGA
This idiot doesn't know someone else already doxxed Dustin long ago and he didn't care. This poster sounds like one of the ones that got busted for being a fake MAGA and now is lashing out.
I like Dustin. He turned his life around and is doing great work. We have seen all this before idiot poster. You think we don't know all this already?