>>3130613 (PB)
It is important to keep in mind the difference between demanding justice and begging for it.
>>3130065 (PB)
I'm ashamed of every single one of you who jumped to the conclusion that he is guilty with only an allegation for support. The daughter is 23 and could have brought criminal charges long ago. Doesn't that jungle the doorbell for you?
Why is this being made public now?
Are you autists or did someone put the wrong sign on the door?
>>3130025 (PB)
The podium was physically further in front. Not certain if the blurring was due to the cameraman or to the stage designers.
I also noted that Antifa has been forewarned that the kid-glove treatment is over.
Some of the streaming comments called him drunk, but it looked to me like he might be exhausted.