Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.3139475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9505 >>9569 >>9748 >>9989

China Summons US Ambassador Over Sanctions Scandal


China's foreign ministry summoned the US ambassador on Saturday to lodge an official protest over the sanctions imposed by the United States against a Chinese military organization for buying Russian fighter jets and missiles, state media reported. The announcement came just hours after a Chinese defense ministry spokesman called on the US to "immediately revoke the sanctions or "bear the consequences."


Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang, summoned US Ambassador Terry Branstad and "lodged solemn representations over US sanctions against (the) Chinese military", the Foreign Ministry said in a brief online statement, and added the following:


Zheng Zeguang pointed out that the US action to impose sanctions on Chinese military agency and official on the ground of relevant military cooperation between China and Russia severely violates basic norms governing the international relations. Such mean behavior is a blatant hegemonic act. The China-Russia military cooperation is normal cooperation between two sovereign states, and the US side has no right to interfere. The US act has severely harmed the state-to-state and mil-to-mil relations and affected the cooperation in international and regional affairs between China and the US. The Chinese side will take every necessary measure to firmly safeguard its national interests. We strongly urge the US side to correct its mistake immediately and withdraw so-called sanctions. Otherwise, the US side will have to bear all the consequences.


China's central military commission also summoned an acting military attache at the U.S. embassy on Saturday night over the sanctions. The Chinese side also decided to immediately recall commander Shen Jinlong, who is in the United States for an international maritime force meeting, CCTV reported.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.3139514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9658

Dozens Dead In Iran After Gunmen Attack Military Parade, Saudi Arabia Blamed



Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3139558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9748 >>9989

As Their Coup d’etat Begins to Unravel – Deep State Participants Open Fire on Each Other


The Deep State is breaking up. It’s each man and woman for themselves as their Coup d’etat starts to unravel!


(Lisa Page arriving for her Congressional Hearing with a smile. Was she happy about the chance to throw DOJ Deep State participants under the bus?)


Rod Rosenstein has been acting as Attorney General since Jeff Sessions recused himself from his duties after he was sworn in. Rosenstein signed a FISA warrant to spy on Trump in June 2017, after appointing Robert Mueller as Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.


Yesterday it was reported by the far-left New York Times, based on a tip from one of their many dirty sources from the DOJ or FBI, that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year spoke with DOJ and FBI officials about wearing a wire and secretly recording President Trump to be able to build a case that Trump is unfit to hold office.


According to the Times, DAG Rosenstein began plotting Trump’s removal shortly after FBI Director Comey was fired. James Comey was fired on May 9th, 2017 and DAG Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia collusion a week later.


Shortly after the New York Times released its report, former FBI Acting Director, Andrew McCabe made a statement through his lawyer Michael Bromwich–he did not deny The NY Times report.


“Andrew McCabe drafted memos to memorialize significant discussions he had with some high level officials and preserved them so he would have an accurate contemporaneous record of those discussions. When he was interviewed by the Special Counsel more than a year ago, he gave all of his memos — classified and unclassified — to the Special Counsel’s office,” Michael Bromwich said in an email.


“A set of those memos remained at the FBI at the time of his departure in late January 2018. He has no knowledge of how any mention of the media obtained those memos,” Bromwich added.


Rosenstein denied the claim in a memo released to the press. However, New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt tweeted out late on Friday the NY Times learned since their first report that Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire a SECOND TIME!


Former FBI leaders Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page were both mentioned by Schmidt in tweets yesterday related to his report along with Rosenstein. It’s not surprising that they are all noted along with this leak.


In the DOJ OIG McCabe report released in April 2018 it was clear that the DOJ had made a decision to throw McCabe under the bus. They did so in a leak about his wife’s connections to the Hillary Clinton campaign and his conflicts of interest in being involved in her email scandal case. In response, McCabe leaked a report to the media that the DOJ tried to shut down the Clinton Foundation case but by doing this confirmed to the public that the investigation was in place.

The DOJ and FBI have a precedent for throwing each other under the bus. Looks like this cat fight is just starting!

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3139577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook to stop ‘embedding’ staff in political campaigns


Presidential candidates in 2020 won’t be able to rely on ‘embedded’ Facebook staff, the Menlo Park company declared. Hillary Clinton’s campaign declined this help in 2016, letting her rival Donald Trump leverage it to victory.


Facebook will still offer technical support to candidate headquarters, as well as basic training on how to use the platform, but will not have any staffers “embedded” in campaigns as it did in 2016, Bloomberg reported.


This kind of support helped then-candidate Trump spread his message in 2016, his digital director Brad Parscale said in an interview, referring to Facebook staff as “embeds.” Facebook has quibbled with his choice of words and eventually decided to scrap the program, under tremendous pressure from Congress to “do something” about its influence over US elections.


Clinton’s surprise defeat led to accusations of “Russian collusion” and “meddling” in social media, with numerous news outfits leading the witch hunt for “Russian bots and trolls” on Facebook and Twitter. After CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled by Congress in April, Facebook said in its follow-up response that it offered the same support to the Clinton camp as it did to Trump, but that the Democrats declined.


Facebook also concluded that the Trump campaign was simply better at using Facebook, and “better leveraged” the platform to its advantage, according to an internal analysis reported by Bloomberg. The Trump campaign also spent more money on Facebook ads, coughing up $44 million between June and November 2016, as opposed to Clinton’s $28 million.


Amid Democrat-led furor over a handful of ads purchased by ‘Russians’ in 2016, Facebook has been touting its new security measures in the run-up to this November’s midterm elections. As well as improving account security and verification for political groups, Facebook said in a blog post on Monday that it will be “detecting and removing fake accounts, working to prevent the spread of false news, and setting a new standard for political and issue ads transparency.”


In preparation for the elections, Facebook announced earlier this month that it would be building a physical “war room,” where its crack team of experts will monitor the platform for “bad actors” in the hours leading up to the vote.


Facebook did not elaborate on what sort of “experts” it has been teaming up with, but its partnership with the Atlantic Council is a good indication of precisely how ‘unbiased’ one can expect them to be. The Council is basically an academic arm of NATO which frequently hosts lively debates between assorted Russophobes. The Digital Forensics Lab, an offshoot of the Atlantic Council, currently helps Facebook weed out ‘Russian bots.’ And if this leads to censoring alternative media, dissident Democrats, and even Clinton partisans - well, that’s just the cost of doing business, right?


Facebook’s efforts to police content that might offend someone, somewhere, at some point has drawn ire from Republicans, with Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) hinting that Congress might start seeing the platform as a publisher, and therefore not shielded by laws granting public forums immunity from being sued over their content.


Keen to avoid further accusations of bias, Facebook said it will offer support globally, through an online portal instead of in person, and will help political candidates and groups with routine tasks like navigating Facebook and having ads approved from now on.


Google and Twitter, who also assigned staff to work on both campaigns in 2016, have yet to indicate whether they will withdraw their support in 2020. Parscale, who is now Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, has not yet commented on Facebook’s decision.


In May, Parscale and RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote a letter to Facebook and Twitter, asking for assurances that “transparency, neutrality, and protection of all speech will be core tenets of Facebook and Twitter operations, now and in the future.” There was no word if they ever got a response.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.3139591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9611

McConnell suggests he could hold Senate in session through October


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) suggested Friday that he could keep lawmakers in Washington until the end of October if Democrats seek to slow or block the confirmation of President Trump’s judicial nominees.


McConnell said the Senate would soon wrap up some of its major to-do items, like funding the government and confirming Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.


But he hinted that it would be up to Democrats to strike a deal on nominations if they want to leave town before the end of October.


“Our friends on the other side who have a number of incumbents running for reelection this year are going to want to … recess,” McConnell said at the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of conservatives in Washington.


“It won’t surprise you that I’m making my list and checking it twice,” McConnell said. “That, my friends, is how we’re dealing with obstruction.”


Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell (R-ky) Predicted During The Values Voters Summit On Friday That “judge Kavanaugh Will Be On The Supreme Court.”


Sen. McConnell predicted that the Senate will soon confirm President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee on Friday despite the accusations laid against Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford, a California psychology professor, has accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both in high school in the 1980s.


The Kentucky Republican said, “You’ve watched the fight. You’ve watched the tactics. But here’s what I want to tell you: in the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court,” to which the crowd erupted in thunderous applause.


“So my friends, keep the faith. Don’t be rattled by all of this. We’re going to plow right through it and do our jobs,” McConnell added.


“Even more nominees will be confirmed. They will be pro-family,” said McConnell.

McConnell also said that the record numbers of judicial confirmations are the “single most consequential things” the Senate does for the future of the country.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3139629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9638 >>9648 >>9824

Teacher Sexted 100 Kids on Facebook, Molested Dozens Near Brooklyn


There's news tonight coming out of the Brooklyn, New York area, where a teacher from Leon M. Goldstein High School for Sciences in Manhattan Beach is facing charges for sexually enticing over 100 students to make child pornography. 34-year-old Jonathan Deutsch was employed for Leon M. Goldstein High School for Sciences in the campus of Kingsborough Community College near Manhattan Beach, New York, until this past January.


He was reassigned this past winter with the little reasoning given to students, parents, or colleagues, and an abrupt departure soon followed.


Now, federal prosecutors say he was interested in far more than educating the children that parents trusted him to teach.


“It is clear from the content of these conversations that the defendant targeted vulnerable, often prepubescent children and then used his status as a teacher, among other things, to develop a relationship with those children and thereby groom them for exploitati­on,” said Richard P. Donoghue, US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.


Deutsch engaged in a secret desire to have sexual relations with the children he was teaching, according to Prosecutors.


He also had an uncanny ability to manipulate their minds, either through making them promises of wealth or via gifts or activities he would pay for.


The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York says that Deutsch would use Facebook to stalk his students as if they were prey.


Secretly messaging the children, Deutsch would use the names “Sam Morgan,” and even “Jay Stern,” contacting children over Facebook Messenger.


Court papers offer disturbing details of the alleged interactions. In one instance, Deutsch instructed a 16-year-old girl to drink her own urine, the papers say.


This past fall it was discovered that Deutsch was sexually enticing up to 100 children as young as ten-years-old on Facebook, and that sparked the investigation.


After an undercover operation to infiltrate the messages sent to and from Deutsch, the US Department of Justice said they were able to find far more disgusting details of previous sexual encounters with children.


Deutsch reportedly would ask the children to “jack off for the camera,” linguistically attempting to exploit them into an agreement to masturbating on film, among other various sex acts.


“Our children deserve to grow up in a world where they don't have to face overcoming the horrors and scars of sexual abuse,” said FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William Sweeney in a statement.


He successfully isolated children who already had psychological and emotional issues, and were more vulnerable than the average child,” Assistant US Attorney Megan Farrell said in a Brooklyn federal courtroom.


“These are photos of little kids smiling with headphones in their ears, children with braces, children with acne, children who don’t even have pubic hair,” Farrell told Brooklyn federal court magistrate judge as she implored him to lock up Deustch pending trial.


In some instances, at least 35 of the over 100 children actually met with Deutsch and engaged in some form of sexual relations with him.


Amidst his efforts, Deutsch attempted to have relations with over a hundred children and was either denied, or he was in the process of enticing them with lavish gifts.


Prosecutors say that one instance, Deutsch was posing as a 14-year-old child.


He was able to gain the trust of other students, and then confessed to having previously held relations with an 8-year-old child, who prosecutors only identified as “Jane Doe 3.”

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.3139658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9685 >>9692 >>9719 >>9756 >>9989





Iran Blames US For Military Parade Attack That Killed 24


Several terrorist gunmen took aim at a military parade in Iran this morning, killing at least 24 people and injuring over 50. According to Iranian state media, the attackers were able to kill so many as they were themselves wearing military uniforms and it took some time for the security forces to figure out where the gunfire was coming from.


A regional anti-government Arab group, Ahvaz National Resistance, has claimed the attack while media in Iraq at first thought ISIS was behind it. The attack happened in in the city of Ahvaz, not far from the Iraqi border.


Mr Javad Zarif, the Iranian Foreign Minister, stated that: “Terrorists recruited, trained, armed & paid by a foreign regime have attacked Ahvaz. Children and journalists among casualties. Iran holds regional terror sponsors and their US masters accountable for such attacks. Iran will respond swiftly and decisively in defense of Iranian lives.


Some eight members of Iran’s elite revolutionary guard are said to be among those killed.


There have been mass protests in Iran all year round as the currency lost half it's value against the dollar after the US pulled out of the so-called Iran nuclear deal. Furthermore, the country has been hit by rising inflation and mass unemployment.


An Iranian military spokesman repeated Mr Zarif’s accusation on state media that the terrorists were not from the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) but "were trained and organised by two Gulf countries" and had clear ties to both the US and Israel. The US State Department has not yet reacted to the accusations that it was involved in the operation.



Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3139703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9714 >>9722 >>9726 >>9760 >>9989


BREAKING: Grassley Gives Christine Blasey Ford 2:30 PM Deadline


As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced late Friday night via Twitter that he has caved on his 10 p.m. EDT deadline for Christine Ford to decide on testifying before the committee about her uncorroborated charges accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting decades ago at a drunken high school pool party.


Grassley also said he felt he was “playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor”


Friday night’s extension was the fifth one given to Christine Ford.


The counteroffer given by the Senate Republicans to hold the hearing next Wednesday still stands–Ford must respond to the Judiciary Committee with her prepared testimony and biography Saturday at 2:30 PM.


CNN reported:


The Senate Judiciary Committee has given Ford’s attorneys a deadline of 2:30 p.m. ET Saturday to respond with their decision, a committee source confirmed to CNN.

The panel has proposed holding a hearing next Wednesday in which it would hear testimony from both Kavanaugh and Ford, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.


Grassley said Friday that if Christine Ford does not agree to terms by the deadline given, the Senate will hold the vote Monday.


Investigative reporter Paul Sperry said, “I am told that if Rita Katz fails by 2:30 pm today to agree to a hearing –and under Grassley’s terms of 1) Kavanaugh goes after Ford, 2) no other witnesses & 3) no restrictions on who asks questions — then Grassley is going ahead with committee vote on Monday. Period.”

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3139786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Intel Chief Boasted of IAF's 'Precision' Just Before Il-20 Shootdown – Reports


Tel Aviv has ordered the commander of the Israeli Air Force to continue talks with his Russian counterparts about the destruction of the Russian Il-20 recon aircraft over Syria. Israel's Defense Ministry maintains that Syria is responsible for the destruction of the plane, which took place during an Israeli air raid on Syrian targets in Latakia.


In an interview with Haaretz take shortly before the destruction of the Russian Il-20 but published Friday, Israeli Air Force Intelligence chief Brig. Gen. Uri Oron bragged that while the Russian presence in Syria was a "challenge" for the IAF, it didn't constrain its activities.


"Does the Russian presence constrain the IAF's activity? It challenges us. We have to be very precise. [But] that doesn't mean that the IAF only flies in Israeli skies," Oron said.


"The Russians' arrival in Syria was one of the strongest things to shape reality in the area in recent years," Oron noted, saying that before the Russian intervention, "everyone was sure that ISIS* was about to roll over Damascus."


Oron expressed confidence in his agency's ability to obtain and transmit accurate intelligence to the IAF to allow it to "cause accurate damage without major collateral damage," with the present focus being the alleged Iranian presence in Syria.


Just before the Russian military was introduced into Syria to fight Daesh and other extremists in late September 2015, Moscow and Tel Aviv worked out a mechanism to coordinate their military actions to "prevent misunderstandings." This included the requirement that Israel warn Russia about its attacks in Syria, and avoid flying over or bombing near targets where Russian forces were present. In the case of the lost Il-20, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that it was not given adequate warning time to get its plane out of harm's way.


The Russian military lost contact with its IL-20 ELINT reconnaissance aircraft with 15 airmen onboard over the Mediterranean Sea on September 17, with the plane soon revealed to have been accidentally shot down by a Syrian S-200 surface-to-air missile while returning to Hmeymim airbase. Syrian air defenses were activated in response to Israeli airstrikes in Latakia, Tartus and Homs. The Russian Defense Ministry accused the IAF of creating the dangerous situation by using the plane as a shield against Syrian air defenses. The Israeli Defense Ministry expressed its condolences over the lost Russian plane, but insisted that the F-16s involved in the strikes were already back in Israeli airspace when the plane was destroyed, and blamed Syria.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3139809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=US Forces in Syria Help Evacuate Daesh Terrorists From Deir Ez-Zor – Reports


An intervention by US-led forces has reportedly allowed a number of high-ranking terrorists to escape justice at the hands of Syrian troops.


The US-led coalition in Syria has recently helped evacuate several Daesh leaders from Deir ez-Zor, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported, citing local sources.


According to SANA, the coalition forces performed “an air landing operation” on the outskirts of al-Marashida in order to airlift terrorist leaders to an unknown destination.


On September 8, a pair of US F-15 jets also carried out strikes in Deir ez-Zor province using banned phosphorous munitions.


Earlier in July, a US-led coalition warplane attacked two settlements in Deir ez-Zor, killing over 30 civilians and injuring dozens, while another sortie by coalition aircraft hit a group of civilians fleeing the town of al-Sousa located in the southeastern part of the province.


In June, the US-led coalition reportedly hit the positions of the Syrian Armed Forces in the Al Bukamal area of Deir ez-Zor, killing several Syrian servicemen and injuring others.


The United States and a number of its allies launched their campaign against Daesh in Syria in 2014, which has been operating in the country without any permission from Damascus.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.3139834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9846 >>9936 >>9989

Pence to Obama: Economy Booming Because Trump Administration Rolling Back Failed Obama Policies


Vice President Mike Pence had a message for former President Barack Obama at the Values Voter Summit Saturday: the American economy is booming because the Trump administration is rolling back Obama administration policies.


“It’s been two years of promises made and promises kept, and we’re just getting started,” Pence told the conference audience in Washington, DC. He cited more than four million jobs created since President Donald Trump took office, record low black and Hispanic unemployment, wages rising at the fastest pace in a decade, and the highest middle class income in recorded history.


Pence said this did not just happen, but, rather, it happened because the American people made a choice in 2016. He compared the Obama administration with Trump’s administration. He said the last administration stifled the country under red tape and declared war on American energy, whereas, “Under President Trump, the war on coal and American energy is over.”


The vice president said the last administration raised taxes while the Trump administration passed the largest tax cuts in American history. “That’s promises made and promises kept,” said Pence, who added that under Trump, they cut out the core of Obamacare: “The individual mandate is gone.”


He then remarked about former President Obama’s recent speeches taking credit for the American economic boom that has risen under President Trump and claiming it began under his administration. The crowd balked at the idea that Obama has claimed credit.


Vice President Pence then launched into what he said was a message for former President Obama:


President Obama, you presided over the weakest economic expansion since the Great Depression. When we took over this economy, it was growing by less than two percent, and now it’s growing by more than four percent. This economy isn’t booming because of your policies; it’s booming because we’ve been rolling back the failed policies of your administration since day one.


“America is back, and we’re just getting started,” declared Pence.


Near the close of his speech, Pence strongly encouraged the audience to vote in the midterm elections. He also told them to tell their friends what the Trump administration has accomplished and to encourage them to vote also.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3139851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9861 >>9921

Winning The War On Drugs? Colombian Cocaine Output Soars To Record Levels



Colombia is producing more cocaine now than it ever has, according to a new report by Bloomberg. The amount of land planted with coca shrubs is up 17% last year, rising to 171,000 hectares, which surpasses levels prior to US president Bill Clinton’s "Plan Colombia" counter-narcotics program.


Almost all of the world's cocaine comes from Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. Colombia produces more than half of the total cocaine in the world. Under Clinton’s plan, the aid provided to Colombia over the course of the last six decades was "stepped up dramatically". Colombia has repaid the world by cranking out record levels of cocaine - probably not the solution Clinton, or other advocates for aid-giving, were seeking.


Colombia's 171,000 hectares is enough raw material to produce 1,379 tons of cocaine, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. It’s also more than triple the output of five years ago.



The previous record had been 163,000 hectares in the year 2000. This was the same year that Clinton‘s "Plan Colombia" initiative started. Since then, the United States has supplied Colombia with more than $10 billion in aid – the most of any country outside of Asia and the Middle East.


Those who are experts in Colombia stated that Clinton’s plan didn’t change any conditions in the country's cocaine producing regions. These very same regions also suffer from an absence of the state, land titles, roads or any type of legal economic opportunities.


Adam Isacson, a Colombia expert at the Washington Office on Latin America, stated: "The reasons farmers resorted to growing coca didn’t go away as a result of $10 billion in U.S. aid."


Aside from the obvious problem of more cocaine to export, the rise in production has also gotten in the way of the peace process with Marxist rebels, as private armies of drug traffickers have usurped former guerilla zones in order to take control of the profits from cocaine. This shift in territory has prompted more violence in Colombia.


It has also put pressure on the relationship between Bogota and Washington. Colombia's government, led by President Ivan Duque, who was recently elected, is now reportedly trying to put forth policies now favored by the Trump administration. These policies favor forcible eradication, with less emphasis on voluntary crop substitution.


We reported back in July of 2017 that Colombia was on a blistering pace for cocaine production, producing a record crop in 2016 for the second straight year.


Coca cultivation in the South American country surged 52 percent in 2016, spanning 146,000 hectares, compared with 96,000 in 2015. The 2016 crops produced an estimated 866 metric tons of cocaine, an increase of 35 percent compared to 2015. Meanwhile, cocaine use appears to be increasing in the two largest markets, North America and Europe.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3139893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why has NO ONE in the Mainstream Media ever mentioned THIS??? Here’s SOME Russian Collusion!!!


Putin Claims Clinton Got Illicit $400 Million From Russia


Published on Jul 18, 2018


At a news conference in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that investors who failed to pay taxes in Russia donated $400 million to Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 9b6487 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3139941   🗄️.is 🔗kun