Anonymous ID: d08ce0 Sept. 22, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3139326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9465

>>3139128 (LB)

Sorry, you wanted every post of yours examined in the context of the first, I get that.


It does not work that way here. I did not know you were talking about names, but you went strait to feminist propoganda about "seeing as an individual"


That looks really bad (brainwashed) all by itself, in the context of a guy saying a woman was stupid just for keeping her maiden name, I can see that. However if a woman is doing that just for the reason you state (insecurity about being seen as an individual) it is a good flag for identifying a femnazi.

What does it accomplish to hold on to the name her mom took

If you are going to flout the conventions of your own culture, you ought to accomplish something




Plenty of good reasons to keep a maiden name other than making a pointless statement about being seen as an individual: , like if you are published. It would almost be silly to lose name recognition for being married. New Yorkers who had an original Dutch name on their mom's side used to hyphenate (males too) so that people would know they descended from original New Amsterdam people.



You are the one who needs to get your mind right regarding feminism though.

Anonymous ID: d08ce0 Sept. 22, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3139358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9822


Yes, someone went with Airforce one to North Korea, before anyone knew about it, and published the pictures here.


It was all a convoluted conspiracy to pump vote using 8chan, and we would have gotten away with it, if you had not shown up to shine light on it.


Congratulations Inspector you caught your own dog, aptly named Brain. You now advance from "Clueless" to "Gadget"

Anonymous ID: d08ce0 Sept. 22, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.3139465   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I'll do you one better though: If this 'men not seeing their women/wives' as individuals, is an actual thing,


Please point me to one text identifying a man from his time period, notable or not, that described his life partner or daughter in those terms, or gave indication that he might think it?


Charles Ingalls 1836-1902(not note worthy but made famous by his daughter's books series): Nope- practically worshiped his wife.


Abraham Lincoln: Nope - Wife made his career, havn't dug, but my guess is you'll find nothing


Find us just one example that justifies a "feminist movement" as anything necessary to get men to see women as individuals, and bring the evidence back here.