Anonymous ID: d497aa Sept. 22, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3139304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9400 >>9435 >>9495 >>9630 >>9811

>>3139006 (lb)


WeThePeople want Kavanaugh CONFIRMED ASAP!

Grassely is 'caving in' to MSM.


The MSM is not the voice of the PEOPLE. They are the voice of the oppressors. Fake News/Manipulation.


Swamp Tactics-


  1. (((They))) create a fake story to resist

  2. Hand off story to Dem swamp to project outrage

  3. Republican swamp stands down, by design

  4. MSM projects (((Their))) talking points, wall to wall coverage.

A. All MSM serves (((Their))) interests

B. Fox News portrays (((Their))) story, plays 'devils advocate'


Why do you think Fox News Channel stopped airing President Trumps Rallies now? Could it be because November is approaching? Timing?