Anonymous ID: f50c3a Sept. 22, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3139630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Amazing how the simplest thing can't be mentioned to a Faux viewer without them wanting to "debate" it. Even cut & dry issues are "debated" by people who USED to think on their own. Aside from it being the farthest thing from news, it has conditioned its viewers to not even expect cut & dry facts being reported. Whatever Sara Carter can drop on Hannity in many cases, has also been covered by the Daily Caller's Journalists. Since Luke Rosiak isn't pretty, he gets NO credit or airtime – especially his work on the Awans. Nobody even knows who they are unless people religiously follow Luke Rosiak's reporting. You'd think Dems employing Spies would be a worthy topic on a so-called "news" network – especially with Feinstein being in the middle of their only talking point of the month right now.