Anonymous ID: 9c6b6e Sept. 22, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3140519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0816


i think out of all the bullshit on here

this is what makes the most sense to me

god is a sort of hive mind

we are all created by god

his dream

the worldi is a stage all that bullshit

he just wants a relationship with us

and for us to love each other

that doesnt mean we cant be human with all our faults and flaws

what happened to this world is that some of us forgot what we are

which is divine created souls

fallen angels

god it at war with itself

the ones who are so negative they are trapped in a never ending cycle of hell

that is what hell is

nobody is beyond redemption

and the sooner we all realize that and wake up things will get better

also fuck hillary clinton