Germanons, any update on merkel? Can she really stay in her position? Maybe brief analyses
Just a thought, since the budget passed, arent cabal minions desposable now?
I am not sure, should he look younger in 1988?
You retard yourself, looks too old!!! We need to check against bo with a cig. Use your critical thinking, if someone posted on twatter its not a bible, fewwwe
Yep keep reposting instead of digging, who is the person distributing this photo, is it a trusted sauce or wishful thinking. Focus. I eant it to be authentic but check and doublecheck
Keep reposting retard
Id 8e5979, filter and move on
You are an idiot, if we put bo in memes with cig we would loose normies, they debunk it in a sec and we liok like FAKE loosers. Get lost
Id 8e5979
Is either a shill triggering response or an idiot. Bombarding research board with memes is useless. We discusd ideas for new memes here , not repost fake or not old memes.
This is a new tactic, just checked thru his posts, zero contribution. Some anons already agreed with this bastard. Their new strategy is derail research by agreeing with obvious and calling other shills for the sake of cleaning the board.
Maybe some text about 16year plan?