they now have control to change images is my guess - they have access to a massive getty database going way back - also give google a backdoor into carlisle
yes it is - thru us - one at a time - slow process - stop being impatient
YOU spread more truth instead of complaining
angel numbers = new age bullshit
sorry i filtered you earlier for some bullshit you posted earlier kek >>314471
anon that is awesome sauce
real dark judge - another twat fag who pushed the fake memo and swore he was "in the know"
another disinformer who doesnt know shit
his own sheepish brain
I have seen with my own eyes that when confronted with truth about the false - he sticks with the false - that is a disinformation specialist
continues the paradigm of a two party system
start calling them americans
they are in a coma
think family members in a coma that you are sitting next to in a hospital room and talking to them
i love this - someone doesn't understand filtering - kek
agreed 100%
read the wiki page it will blow your mind
if you have not filtered 8e5979 - it is a good feeling to do so -
so good
so so good
this .gif has exploded on twat
congrats to the autist who designed it
job well done M8
flight number 187 kek
we know all eyes are watching
that is what is so embarrassing sometimes with the fuckery in here
never in history has more eyes been on a bunch of autists
globally this board is on the map
every rich swinging dick and every corrupt politician has eyes in here to see how to get in front of whatever we come up with
these shills and clowns are here to muddy the water
the anons are brilliant - we all are
opsec is a thing of the past now
continues to respond after being told filtered
stupid and or drunk or both
BO please get rid of this fuck
8e5979 please
that is exactly what is happening - noticed it myself - it takes a moment but easy to figure out
oldest misdirection con - the two brothers have a talkโฆ.