They failed. Thank God!!
Look at this though. They had NO chance.
"The prayers of a RIGHTEOUS man are POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE."
GEOTUS up there staring down Clinton +++
YOU ANONS doing what you ANONS do, which when you check the other breads to see what I've said about you and who YOU are to me, you'll know I'm just a really big fan. ++
For those who kept The Oath, wherever a TRUE OATH was taken…I applaud you.Through good and bad, the ups and downs, for those whose HEARTS BLEEDS the FREEDOM that
THE RED, WHITE & BLUE will ALWAYS Stand for…
God was watching. Congratulations!! Let us keep driving on, and let us follow GEOTUS's LEAD and do everything in our power to subdue our enemies without fighting. WE haven't even gotten the chance to heal the NOBLE WARRIORS whom are have on board who are in need of OUR help, WE do not need anymore. But…
With that said…Again, (((you))) are to cease operations, and you KNOW who you are, and so do WE…Please Stop Now. (((you))) are to leave Sovereign United States Soil by NO LATER than 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time. You are to take NOTHING that belongs to the American People. We offer (((you))) peace and IF…IF…IF….you accept this REALLY SWEET offer…I will advocate on your behalf.
Take the deal. But LEAVE OUR PEOPLE ALONE NOW!! And GO in PEACE.
BUT…WE warn YOU…all operators are to cease operations world wide. NOW.
That said…
NYPD & The US Marine CORPS have had enough of your weirdo stuff. And I'm just gonna GUESS, that they are activated, and if not, let's just pretend they are, I mean, I HAVE NO idea, but if I had to guess…
And I'll ask SO nicely again… PLEASE?!?! Such a great deal. We pray for you.
I love ALL of you!! Even the car guys like this wayward young lad as pictured (LOLOL!!)
I mean, they helped MAKE US prove that we ARE what We said we are. I hope they don't make the WHOLE ENTIRE Mighty 5th, NYPD, Capitol Police, and the 120,000,000+ Patriots in uniform and Citizen Soldiers who are ready to roll for God…Family…Country
"Iron sharpens Iron." I salute them and pray mercy on their Beings. Only light can overcome darkness.
"Big Picture View is Rare."
I also pray and hope for those remaining folks who are scared, stuck in the game, and here's another Rockin Deal…
Turn yourselves into local law enforcement and tell them that you would like to stop being a meanie. Mercy will find You for your courage. Responsibility comes before Repentance and Repentance before Freedom.
That's THE WAY it works here, and everywhere else. For ALL of us. We will pray for You and will honor your courage. Courage comes before Responsibility.
But if (((you))) cannot, We understand.
With Love and LOTS of Hope…