Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.314015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4068 >>4081 >>4104



They failed. Thank God!!


Look at this though. They had NO chance.


"The prayers of a RIGHTEOUS man are POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE."


GEOTUS up there staring down Clinton +++


YOU ANONS doing what you ANONS do, which when you check the other breads to see what I've said about you and who YOU are to me, you'll know I'm just a really big fan. ++


For those who kept The Oath, wherever a TRUE OATH was taken…I applaud you.Through good and bad, the ups and downs, for those whose HEARTS BLEEDS the FREEDOM that


THE RED, WHITE & BLUE will ALWAYS Stand for…


God was watching. Congratulations!! Let us keep driving on, and let us follow GEOTUS's LEAD and do everything in our power to subdue our enemies without fighting. WE haven't even gotten the chance to heal the NOBLE WARRIORS whom are have on board who are in need of OUR help, WE do not need anymore. But…


With that said…Again, (((you))) are to cease operations, and you KNOW who you are, and so do WE…Please Stop Now. (((you))) are to leave Sovereign United States Soil by NO LATER than 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time. You are to take NOTHING that belongs to the American People. We offer (((you))) peace and IF…IF…IF….you accept this REALLY SWEET offer…I will advocate on your behalf.


Take the deal. But LEAVE OUR PEOPLE ALONE NOW!! And GO in PEACE.


BUT…WE warn YOU…all operators are to cease operations world wide. NOW.


That said…


NYPD & The US Marine CORPS have had enough of your weirdo stuff. And I'm just gonna GUESS, that they are activated, and if not, let's just pretend they are, I mean, I HAVE NO idea, but if I had to guess…




And I'll ask SO nicely again… PLEASE?!?! Such a great deal. We pray for you.


I love ALL of you!! Even the car guys like this wayward young lad as pictured (LOLOL!!)


I mean, they helped MAKE US prove that we ARE what We said we are. I hope they don't make the WHOLE ENTIRE Mighty 5th, NYPD, Capitol Police, and the 120,000,000+ Patriots in uniform and Citizen Soldiers who are ready to roll for God…Family…Country


"Iron sharpens Iron." I salute them and pray mercy on their Beings. Only light can overcome darkness.


"Big Picture View is Rare."


I also pray and hope for those remaining folks who are scared, stuck in the game, and here's another Rockin Deal…


Turn yourselves into local law enforcement and tell them that you would like to stop being a meanie. Mercy will find You for your courage. Responsibility comes before Repentance and Repentance before Freedom.


That's THE WAY it works here, and everywhere else. For ALL of us. We will pray for You and will honor your courage. Courage comes before Responsibility.




But if (((you))) cannot, We understand.


With Love and LOTS of Hope…



Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 3:06 a.m. No.314029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4191 >>4380 >>4572

UPDATED PETITION LIST!!! #2. I'd like to Introduce all you ANONS to my hero.


#1. Sophias Hope—https://


#2. The 2018 Gulf War Veterans/Curtis War Crimes Petition–https://


#3. Internet Bill of Rights —-https://


#4. State of The Union Footage Full Release —-https://


#5. The 2018 Active Ready Reserve Act (ARRA) —https://


#6. The Works & Odd Death of Nikola Tesla- https://


#7. The 9 /11 Full Disclosure —https://


#8. The "Den of Thieves" Credit Bureau Act —https://


#9. Abolish the Chemical Death Dealers Act —#9. Chemical Death Dealers–https://


"We stand at the birth of a New Millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to FREE THE EARTH of the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow." -Donald J. Trump


Helo…Helo…Helo…61/B's…We are a GO.


Lightworkers, you KNOW WHAT to do. I am at YOUR Service. Let's keep The Mighty 5th in their places shall we??


My fellow Anons…I love you!!


"You have forgotten how to play!!"

Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 3:42 a.m. No.314101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4105



Wish them Peace and Light. WE will make Mexico GREAT for the 1st time, here VERY soon.


GodSpeed!! Drive on ANONS!!




What is "Currency"??


What is "Jubilee"


Love you ALL!!

Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 3:58 a.m. No.314156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4239

If SOMEHOW…SOME WAY…LET's PRETEND, if the roughly 317,000,000 or so American were to be given the money that has been stolen from the American People by means of wicked and filthy practices that We shall not speak on right now…


IF…IF…IF…You were to get the money stolen from ALL Americans since 1864…1913…1933…1971.


How much would YOU and YOUR Ancestors be owed??


Do We The People DESERVE To have that money returned to US??


How much missing from the Pentagon in 2001?? 9 TRILLION (you know it was more)


And we could go on for eons. But not right now…Right now…We're talking Jubilee.


So…How much??


And finally, if we were given that much money, that maybe looked like this, would you maybe have a dollar to spare to help us get the DACA people back, and help heal their land??


Americans are THE MOST GIVING & THE MOST CHARITABLE People on the planet.


Bar NONE. Even as you were going through the hells of a babylon that was injecting you from every angle with pure poison, YOU THE PEOPLE CONTINUED TO GIVE…And in FACT, you gave in RECORD numbers. (Yes, most of it was a rip off, but that's not on The People…That's on (((them)))


How much ANONS?!?! Can you all crunch data and get US a number?? I heard that since 1972 we have PRODUCED 30+ QUADRILLION dollars of goods with our blood and our sweat and our tears.


So what's a spare 9 TRILLION Right??






(((THEY))) want us DIVDED.




LOVE Conquers ALL.


YOU Wizards got lifted GEOTUS into office. HOW?? What??


And NOW look at what he's done. Remarkable. Why sell ourselves short now?? What's to stop US??


When you all were were saving the world, you had no support from outside, in fact, you were in danger. But NOW…13 months in…


What's to stop You??? Or US?? What COULD??


I love you ALL.


"Your a bunch of Wizards ANON."

Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.314226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4234

Hi Y'all!!


#1. In the infantry is MORALE. IMO. Without high Morale, discipline will seem harsh, and you'll fold fast under pressure. And it's NO fun. These weirdos just are NOT very fun.


And (((they))) can't meme for shit. LOLOLOL!!! You guys invented and streamlined and built and held the line in a modern battle field that cannot even be conceived by 90%+ of the People you helped free.


Now you have TONS more support, on eery level, and the ball is rolling hard. What's to stop YOU now??


You know what is ODD?? So…all the REAL combat vets I've met, and I know we have a LOT of Veterans are are "messed" up. War is hell. Even if you didn't deploy, can you FATHOM what it must have been like to be THEM for the 8 years prior to POTUS?? I can't even go there right now. But they're nice men. Gentle. Meanwhile, these leftist type guys are all ready to fight and hit things over the drop of a hat, and yet most prove to be cowards.


Oh, who's down to take a few extra days off for a long weekend in a Captiol that is at least safe, if not clean, while we take a moment to, after he is fully exonerated of course, give General Michael Flynn however many medals we can come up with. Guy is gonna look like Mr.T up there. And Rogers too. Outside of that, it's up to you guys. Go get it.




I love you ALL!!





Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.314254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4259



Hi there. You seem down. Maybe instead of being mean, you could please go sign a Petition as requested by POTUS via "the memo."


"If public DEMAND outweighs the potential, or obvious impact that a topic would inflict on the American People, then I will release it."




HOW can WE show that we are UNITED in our DEMANDS/REQUESTS for certain issues??


Solutions SO Simple…They just might work!!


UPDATED PETITION LIST!!! #2. I'd like to Introduce all you ANONS to my hero.


#1. Sophias Hope—https://


#2. The 2018 Gulf War Veterans/Curtis War Crimes Petition–https://


#3. Internet Bill of Rights —-https://


#4. State of The Union Footage Full Release —-https://


#5. The 2018 Active Ready Reserve Act (ARRA) —https://


#6. The Works & Odd Death of Nikola Tesla- https://


#7. The 9 /11 Full Disclosure —https://


#8. The "Den of Thieves" Credit Bureau Act —https://


#9. Abolish the Chemical Death Dealers Act —#9. Chemical Death Dealers–https://


"We stand at the birth of a New Millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to FREE THE EARTH of the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow." -Donald J. Trump



"This is not a game.

They want us divided."


"These people are EVIL."


"WE are ALL Patriots.

Honor those who serve."


"Moves and countermoves.

Strategy warfare."

Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 4:31 a.m. No.314310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4336

Let's see…Should I…As an American…


Talk shit on a fellow American for being himself. I mean, am I REALLY hurting anything??


You can go through a bread sometimes, and get 600 worthless and negative and downtrodden comments, and rarely does anyone say anything.


But while My People (and I am not so sure they're YOUR people, jury is out) are broken and dying and I am responding to my President's request by BEING the UNITED STATES of America, and LIVING the Constitution, e.g. The Right to PETITION YOUR GOVERNMENT…


You just want to talk down and call names.


Most Curious.


And again, as Per Petition #2. Sergeant Curtis sent me.


Peace & Love!!







Anonymous ID: d57568 Feb. 9, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.314618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625

As per a conversation with one of OUR United States Marines, oh BTW, I laughed so hard when I heard that 13,000+ Marines signed up to guard POTUS last month…While not a single one EVER signed up for Barry. Hmmmm…LOLOLOLOL!!!


But I was looking into General Amos, who this Marine gave respect to, and again, I have such deep admiration for The Corps (If only my recruiter didn't try to send me off 3 months before I wanted to go…But I ended up right where God needed me, as we ALL have) that I wouldn't even download the patch he displayed.


It's not for me to do that or repost it. And you can see that for just a moment, I have left you a LOT of Myself on here, as a way of saying Thank-You and with hopes to Inspire the BEST in You as ANONS drive forward, I have NO issue with grabbing and dropping everything I see fit, It is for those with ears to hear and the eye to see that those on here who designed and executed maybe the most brilliant BATTLE plan ever devised, all to save our Beloved Republic and indeed…Our Civilization and World.


WOW!!! ANONS!!!!


But to even have that patch on my computer felt…wrong. That is for Them. So let me say once again…All Our prayers are with Our Marines, wherever you may be. YOU and a few others (Admiral Rogers!!!) and Pol, along with WHAT POTUS IS, formed the 1-2-3-4 KNOCKOUT double body shot, double head combination that delivered Us and gave Us a fighting chance to save our Nation.


But it is ONLY that at this point. A chance. Seize it ANONS!! What can POSSIBLY stop You now??


But look at this story. This is vital. If we lost a good or GREAT leader, A MARINE COMMANDER, whom it sounds like still has the loyalty of at least one of his Marines, a member of The Mighty 5th (ALL MY HONOR))

and that makes my Spidey senses tingle ya know…And we know how (((they))) LOVE to foreshadow so that we look like the very Mockingbirds that (((their))) Is this "A few Good Men"?? A Beloved General who is adored by his troops, ends up the scapegoat of some zealous zealot types, because he was the Commander of a guy who (admittedly) peed on a human corpse. I don't trust any online sites, and I cannot reconcile how the Marine court could be corrupt and maybe I'm off, but…


This is what gets me. NOBODY is mad that OUR Marines, are getting blown to bits in WICKED and CORRUPT wars, where we telegraph our plans to the enemy so that they get killed ALL THE TIME…Or the 1,000,000+ munitions that the "peace prize" winner dropped on innocents, and YET…


Peeing on a dead body is enough to get General Amos booted from His CORPS?? Doesn't his man protect us?? Why doesn't anyone care about what I've already mentioned above? Where is the OUTRAGE for humans killing humans for NO GOOD REASON??












I don't know…He strikes me as Honorable. Something is amiss here.