Anonymous ID: 20bd11 The Katz and Chrissy Circus Sept. 22, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3140977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Allegory of the Katz and Chrissy Circus

(A cheap clown parody on the Allegory of the Cave that will backfire.)


All eyes were on Katz and Chrissy as they carefully walked the high wire to the trapeze.

The clowns worked the crowd and the excitement reached a crescendo.

Back and forth they swung, higher and higher with each swing building to the suspense – what will they do next?

When Katz and Chrissy thought the timing was right, they dropped from their trapeze summersaulted in midair, spread their legs and tried to land on the backs of the elephants. Katz and Chrissy hoped they could next make the elephants dance and spin in the circus ring providing entertainment and proving to all the spectators who was really in charge.

Nevertheless, the elephants smelled a rat and did not behave and Katz and Chrissy had hoped. Instead of bunching up and staying a static target to pounce upon, the elephants moved quickly so as not to be an easy target.

To their chagrin, both Katz and Chrissy missed the elephants and instead landed on a circus barker selling popcorn, "Popcorn, Popcorn. Get your popcorn."


Interpretation of the Allegory of the Katz and Chrissy Circus


1) "Get your Popcorn" is the modern MSM's modern day version of the Roman poet, Juvenal's "Bread and Circuses"

2) Katz is a third-rate lawyer and amateur entertainer with links to Soro's Open Societies.



3) Katz was a Clinton fundraiser. https:// https://

4) Katz called those who voted for President Trump "worse than deplorable."


5) One American News Network states that Chrissy (Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford) goes out of her way to take a stance against the administration and even wore a pussy hat at a demonstration. https://

6) Chrissy (Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford) like many progressive liberal psychology professors is nothing more than a useful idiot. Chrissy drank the Kool Aide and then bought the lie that she could be a walk the high wire, swing on the trapeze, make the elephants dance and spin all the while dazzling the spectators.

7) George Webb speculates that Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford's father and grandfather to have links to the CIA through front companies Datawatch, Admirals Security Services, and Red Coats. (George Webb Day 88.1 https://www. and Day 88.2 )

8) The elephants are the Senate Republicans.


The moral of the story.


The clowns are desperate when they allow untrained amateurs to perform on the high wire and the trapeze.

Moreover, expect the tent to collapse on the circus then the whole charade masquerading as a circus backfires on the clowns, the MSM and the barkers begging you to buy your popcorn from them as you watch their circus.