Anonymous ID: 5783fa Sept. 22, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3141367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516


>These stars/planets are coming from behind the sun, at certain times and places

>can already be seen with naked eye.

>Thats why they always spray in front of it. They do not want mass hysteria, also 99% in hospital.


Lots of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Earth giving off hydrogen sulfide, magnetic field and similar wonky, weather periodically destabilized when celestial bodies align.

They buillt DUMBs, have wanted depop with chemtrails, Monsanto, vaccines, Big Pharma, breaking community stability, so they won't be tripping over us getting into their hidey holes.

So what do our present overlords have in mind for us?