Anonymous ID: 666211 Sept. 22, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3141005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1271

>>3140814 (LB)

>Why does the existence of other life in the universe disprove the existence of god?


>To assume that you know the nature of the universe sounds pretty arrogant to me.


>Pray. Seek for answers. Don't assume that you already have them.


It's not ignorant to question, and I don't assume to know anything. If you want to be real, nobody on this board knows the truth. It's all just theory until we're given disclosure. That's my issue.


You have church officials that hide religious texts from thousands of years ago, all kept secret from US.


You have the govt. keeping the truth about ET's and UFO's hidden, all kept secret from US.


More and more both are just boiled down conspiracy, even God. It's more socially acceptable to not believe in god than it is to believe in Aliens. So if it makes me ignorant to be confused, by people who actively try to confuse us, so be it.


Are ET's and God connected, you could say that, but the truth is you don't really know and won't know if that information is never shared with us. So in a sense a lot of people are going to spend their entire lifetime theorizing because we aren't told the truth. That's the problem, and that was my whole point.

Anonymous ID: 666211 Sept. 22, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3141202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1261



It's okay, they don't understand that it works both ways and this board is watched heavily. So anyone trying to Doxx or promote violence is probably on a list with their IP's and home addresses on it.


I know a few people on facebook that are into doxxing that say they support Q, I've blocked them. They make us look bad.