Anonymous ID: 8409f5 Sept. 22, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3141063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1083 >>1367

Expanding my thinking… JC pic was bothering me.

I woke up and all this was there.


Sky bunkers - follow the stars - sky event

Expand your thinking - Learn our comms.

What do you think the closest star is? Undiscovered stars learned.

double meaning - think mirror - twin binary star.

Red Dragon - Planet X - Red dwarf - Wormwood

Chemtrails have double purpose - weather mod and to hide incoming planets.

These stars/planets are coming from behind the sun, at certain times and places

can already be seen with naked eye.

Thats why they always spray in front of it. They do not want mass hysteria, also 99% in hospital.

The Bible says: Mans hearts will fail them.