Anonymous ID: 85743f Sept. 22, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3141040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RE: 9/11 and the pentagon

i'm not sure what's been disappeared from the web at this point, but last i knew there were several main theories about the pentagon:

-explosives with plane flyover (it seems to me that pre-planted explosives are the theme of the day TBH - "the only way to be sure")

-plane flyover with drone released to strike pent.

-painted drone to leave general impression it was the full-sized airliner (fake news seals the brainwashing)

-some combo of above

an ongoing problem is the mismatch between the two flight paths described by different parties in the narrative. then you have the flight elevation before impact, mystery lamp post collisions, lack of wing damage, spiraling airliner descent, lack of overall debris, etc. as signs of fukkery.

you can also look into Barbara Honegger's info re: what happened outside the pentagon that day. it's all really weird, almost like there's an entirely different debris/collision site than what we were shown on teevee.

anons have never really bought into the "flight 77 hit the pent. as described and created round holes through multiple walls". i think what q stated can be interpreted in various ways (as usual).

Anonymous ID: 85743f Sept. 22, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3141264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1316


yeah, the cabal (and likely Q) live beyond monetary concerns. hard to imagine…

go back and look at the amount of money "donated" during major "mass shooting" events - it's craaaaa-zyyyyy. much of it likely comes as bribery/payment for participating in the given fraud and gets washed through the shitty charity website.