Anonymous ID: 8c6e40 Sept. 22, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.3141249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We Found Out Mueller’s Two-Part Strategy To Force A ‘Constitutional Crisis’


President Donald Trump’s enemies in the Robert Mueller team and in Preet Bharara’s orbit in the New York U.S. Attorney offices are launching a last-ditch bid to try to charge Trump with something in order to force a “constitutional crisis,” according to a top FBI source.


Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys have held several meetings with New York prosecutors to discuss the Deep State plan to damage President Donald Trump, according to a longtime former FBI special agent and a whistleblower in the Robert Mueller case.


I explain the Mueller camp’s new strategy here (Twitter might say that page doesn’t exist, but just click on the Periscope link anyway to watch the video):


We Found Out Mueller’s Strategy. Here Is His Last-Ditch Play


— Patrick Howley (@howleyreports) September 19, 2018


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The Mueller team’s strategy is shifting as President Trump prepares to release the un-redacted contents of the fraudulent Rod Rosenstein-approved FISA warrant applications, communications pertaining to DOJ official and husband of a Fusion GPS operative Bruce Ohr, and texts between the anti-Trump lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.


Chuck Marler, longtime former FBI Special Surveillance Group member and Robert Mueller whistleblower, told Big League Politics that DOJ attorneys working under Rod Rosenstein have convened multiple conversations with New York state prosecutors linked to the plot to get to Trump through the Michael Cohen case.


“Some of the prosecutors at the DOJ in New York are meeting with New York State prosecutors confidentially, they are trying to work out a plan to try to cause a constitutional crisis by filing charges against Trump in a state court. What they are trying to do is gum up the works to make him non-functional,” Marler told Big League Politics. “They have had a couple of meetings.”


Is Jeff Sessions aware that his underlings are engaging in this activity? Given Sessions’ record, does it even matter at this point? After all, Mike McGahn is not even gone yet as White House counsel even after leaking constantly to the press and sitting down with Mueller for 30 hours’ worth of interviews.


So here is the new Mueller team strategy, according to Marler and other insiders:


1) They are trying to get Manafort to contradict what Trump’s kids, including Don Jr., have said about the Trump Tower meeting with Russian Fusion GPS spy Natalia Veselnitskaya. The Trump family and advisers maintain that the President did not know about the meeting with the undercover operatives, who were trying to set up the Trump campaign. If prosecutors can get Manafort to claim that Trump knew about the meeting, they think they have something. If that fails…


2) Charge Trump with something in New York to spark a “constitutional crisis.”


Mueller’s team knows that their own chance to make an impact for the Resistance is fading fast. Can the New York prosecutors carry out their end of the new strategy and deliver a legal blow to President Donald Trump?


Fired former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, whose former underlings are now running the ship on the anti-Trump case, is making the new strategy clear:


Practice note: Trump has no effective way to shut down any investigation being conducted by SDNY. That office is more insulated, enduring and “sovereign” than the Special Counsel’s Office. You can fire Mueller. You can fire the US Attorney. You can’t fire the SDNY.


— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) August 23, 2018