Anonymous ID: 47b065 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.3141709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I grieve for all those who have been assaulted. Right now I think something else is at play here.


This follows not too long after the "Anonymous" letter showed up in the NYT. Just the allegation was supposed to be enough to prove the case. Now the Kavanaugh debacle, which was also done "anonymously" and was intended to remain that way.


That portends a very dangerous precedent.


Allegation proves guilt.

She never thought her anonymity would be unveiled.

(Even though it takes a bit of time to completely erase one's entire online history.)

She"pinged" friends all summer for support.

They were "empowered" to do so.

One, upon realizing she would have to provide facts and specifics to support actual testimony, backed down.

If you are female, you are expected to "go along."

If you are male, SHUT UP.


Allegation proves guilt. Empowerment emboldens the accusation. Guilty as accused.


No trial needed.


Welcome to the Gulag.


Come quickly, Lord Jesus.