Anonymous ID: 90e8ee Sept. 22, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.3141611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1684 >>2094 >>2288

We know Feinstein was given the letter from Blasey re: Kavenaugh alleged sexual misconduct in July and sat on it.


We know she sat on it because she was coordinating, or “orchestrating” to use Sen. Grassley’s term for Schumer’s role in this charade, to create this shitshow from the beginning.


AND since we KNOW she employed a chinese spy for a number of years…


Wouldn’t it make complete sense that she’s been being SURVEILLED during this entire process and has unknowingly (because she’s stupid) been giving investigators information to connect the dots between the players and the details needed to prosecute these false allegations the entire time!!


In other words, the longer they drag this Kavenaugh shit out, the more they are exposing themselves and the others involved to investigators


“Never interrupt an enemy when they’re in the process of making a mistake” - Sun Tzu


Fortunately for us, they’re just too sick and/or too stupid to stop themselves.