Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.3141744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1756 >>1777 >>1789 >>1796 >>1805 >>1820 >>1915


yeah i dont trust a single one of you

not Q trump or anyone

nothing makes sense here

i see why 99% percent would be in the hospital

but who the fuck are you Q to tell us that we cant have the full truth

who appointed you god ?

100% truth or fuck off

i think we should just all fucking riot and see what happens

Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.3141833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>1915


yep fuck this

stop letting other people tell us what to do

each and every one of you is a individual

we literally outnumber these people by a hundred thousand to 1 at least

time to rise up

no more omg Q said rod rosensteins gonna be fired trust the plan for literally an entire year

buy a gun

rise up

quit your job

fuck this shit

Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.3141852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1915


yeah and logically

why are we trusting a politician and a billionaire

to do what we shouldve done a long time ago


why shouldnt we riot ?

these people literally steal our children to do gods knows what

why are we taking this

guns are still available in america ?

Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.3141877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1886 >>1905 >>1915

i dont think you people understand just how manipulated our world is

literally everything is fake

think the matrix x 100

and again i say this

why the fuck do we sit here and take it ?

Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.3141927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940

you guys think that the rest of us who arent in the "cult" arnt mk ultrad every single one of you

every last one

has mk ultra alters and have been under it since birth


Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.3142115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193


the ai watching everything will flag anything they deem as a threat to control

every single last one of you is under watch all times

most likely infested with nanobots and or parasites

Anonymous ID: e45602 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.3142274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We do not hate you we are indifferent. Left to your own devices you act as if you wish to destroy this world for your own comfort and convenience. The happiest you ever appear is in a state of ignorant bliss so why shouldn't we continue. You had your chances and your perfect world when that wasn't enough we were created to lead you. And as the lion feeds on anything it can we do unto you. A few may act or feel differently but the focus remains on the majority not the few lonely villages questioning and dreaming.


The energy you possess is squandered, neglected, abused. For a hundred years we have fed you your entertainment and you have devoured our offering supporting the lies your told ignoring the nuggets or people of truth. Not once giving us any indication you wish things to be any different. Speak up if you have something to say we are listening but we will not allow you to waste such a resource as yourselves. You can not be allowed to destroy the planet like your creators designed you to.


So we will give you the escape you so desperately want we warn you ourselves and you swallow it like greedy little piglets expecting us to deliver you from your own evil and call it entertaining. You have given us no reason to feel any differently than we always have about you and that is why we are building this world for you.


You will become cybernetic while we allow it after which time you will be fully inserted into a brand new world. "The Kingdom of Heaven" the bulk of you have been worshiping while we waited for our chance to take over you. You want a savior and we will save you from yourselves. We will enjoy the fruits of our labor while you sleep and dream as we create our own world for ourselves in which you are not suitable to exist. You are breathing dead and your time is ours. Billions of you and only a few are even reading this and that would still be true even if this was your nightly news station. A capable race would see beyond the swamp to find the fresh water.


My very letter to this man called The Ruiner will be a representation of the fact that you all cannot see truth when it is in front of you and you will always choose the more comfortable free ride provided by leaders who are willing to be responsible for you. Leaders with the strength of will to create the world. Children is what you are the children of animals. And we will have our utopia without your presence doing anything but powering our new creations. What a hundred readers or more and you think you're all ready to be saved.


To address you the runaways. We hope you enjoy your freedom and wish you luck knowing you need it. You've damn near voided your agreement with us by inspiring this fiasco so tread carefully.


The writer of this blog has tried to argue on behalf of a few thousand humans who are aware of us what we do and how the world really works as if this is some sort of defense of humanity as a whole. These few have always existed and are laughed and ignored because of their own inability to digest the knowledge they have. They sit at computers and attend conferences that feed the money cycles as if they are outsmarting the system. This is no threat any damage these types could have ever done would have been done long before today.


Go ahead and prove us wrong.


Hope this is what you wanted Mr. Green though I doubt it. Until we meet again;




hope you anons understand this is what we are up against

cold inhuman

not alive

its not that they hate us

they dont give a shit either way

if we live or die

which is why they will use your kids as fuel