Anonymous ID: fc33c3 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.3141888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"OY VEY goyim are working together against (((us)))" article:


U.S. Sanctions Are Driving Russian Billionaires Into Putin’s Arms


"The Trump administration is helping Vladimir Putin achieve a goal that’s eluded him for almost two decades—getting Russia’s billionaires to start repatriating some of their assets.


Relatively muted sanctions imposed during the Obama era over the conflict in Ukraine have only widened in scope and severity since Trump took office last year. The unpredictability of both the White House and Congress is forcing Russians to move money into state-run banks and rejig the offshore superstructure that’s sheltered fortunes here since communism’s collapse.


Tycoons and their executives say the rush to move assets beyond the reach of the U.S. Treasury started with the biggest enterprises in April, when Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg and their companies lost billions within hours of being hit with the harshest penalties to date. Now the trend is accelerating, spurred by the threat of even more draconian measures over Russia’s alleged election meddling and nerve-agent attack on a turncoat spy in England."


No shit. [they] figured this out NOW?

Too late.

'sanctions' for russia and china - ploy to assist both nations to rid themselves of entrenched globalist actors and pawns. FREEDOM. The pawns all had their ducks lined up for HRC win, now they are being delivered into the hands of both leaders courtesy of POTUS. Of course, the 'show' then MUST BE CONVINCING.

No wonder the whole 'trade war' rhetoric with china is being encouraged. The PUBLIC in general would never fully accept that their FAKE 'idols' are such frauds - all globalist pawns.

Best of luck to PUTIN and XI from US. May God bless you struggles.

Anonymous ID: fc33c3 Sept. 22, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.3142062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2110



Appear weak when strong, appear strong when weak. Why would grassley do this now?

Bait. Feint.

[they] believe in illusions.

WE SEE reality and act accordingly.

Delusionals are weak by nature. Their perceived source of 'strength' is an illusion.

Their starting point was all wrong, from position of weakness in truest sense. That is why they were picked out as pawns.

cabal fucked up on the recruitment.