Anonymous ID: 2be7b8 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.3142391   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She is also an expert in non-verbal comms and using her body language and words to persuade — form of hypnosis.


She is dangerous and should be put under oath and asked specifically about her involvement in C_A.. and funding by Feinstein of her research .. money shell game

Anonymous ID: 2be7b8 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.3142685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2712 >>2726 >>2741 >>2863



The planet was part of Sirius star system. They had 2 planets well developed.


They call themselves the SaAmi.


They have very long life spans.. but having been here for 500,000+ years they are falling victim to our planetary conditions.


They themselves know of the One.. the Source.. the Creator… even though they set themselves up as our gods because they are selfish… not servants of the Light.


We know them by the names

Marduk / Ra / Amun Ra / Amon

Enlil/Lord of heavenly host/Ulil/el-elyon/El

Enki/Lord of Heaven/EA/Yah/Jehovah/Yahweh

INANNA / Ashtoreth/Isis/Mother Earth / Venus

Etc etc


Bottom-line: they created religion; they created money; they created government; they taught us many things; they modified our DNA; they enslaved us; they interbred with us; they know the precession and what is coming and they created the messianic cycle and the concept of sin and hell and apocalypse.


They control us through their high-blood children (the double-seeds).


They are not allowed to escape this planet.


Some have gone over to the ones who serve the Light and the One.


Even so.. they are children of the Creator just as we are children of the Creator.. they envy us because we can evolve beyond our 3D/4D self.. they are too selfish and cannot.


Many of you anons are old souls .. trapped here for a very long time. You are here now.. for this purpose.. to side and witness this amazing time in our humanity and witness the purpose of Creation


Where we go One.. We go All

God Wins

Knowledge brings understanding and Understanding brings the Truth.

(Great Awakening)

Truth brings Light.

Light saves Humanity.

Anonymous ID: 2be7b8 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.3142746   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Good work Anon


It almost worked.. but the technology they relied upon to eliminate all secrets.. and control.. was turned on them. We had help.. heaven sent.. they are no longer in control, and you are watching the acts play out. Enjoy the show!

Anonymous ID: 2be7b8 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.3143078   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Remember the Palpatine’s Revenge Glyph app messages?


Page - Jewel

Strzok - Roger

Comey - Huck

McCabe - Severus


Never figured out who Dooku was…


They talked about RR compromised on same day Mueller was appointed..


They talked about editing 302 on Flynn.. leaking to press..


If Page and Strzok are talking, and McCabe and Comey are in threat of being indicted.. they may be trying to shift blame onto RR.


If 1=1 and 1=past (newspaper) .. the RR wiretap at beginning and the NYT are before RR was brought into WH in early May. They thought RR was on their side the whole time as a firewall. What if he was never a firewall? Disinfo .. how do you catch rats?