Anonymous ID: 386fe6 Sept. 22, 2018, 3:02 p.m. No.3142907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2988 >>3013 >>3057 >>3145 >>3156

Calling it now. Mueller AND Rosenstein are (((ourguys))). Their job is (well) done. They are turning it all over to Sessions now to mop up. Goodbye Mr. Mueller. Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein. You played your roles to perfection. Good job Patriots.


To get to this conclusion, I started back at the beginning of the Q-drops doing a search for all the drops containing keyword "Mueller". It turned up 103 occurrences, many with multiple links. I worked my way forward (Oct 2017 to current) reading each drop and the related links fully and carefully - in some cases, multiple times. It read like a novel (Perhaps we should name it "The undercover operation of Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller and how they contributed to Victory over the Cabal".) Many twists and turns like any good suspense novel but throughout, Q was telling us to "think for ourselves", "trust ourself and to "reconcile", pointing out clickbait and media lies. A big clue was the size of the Mueller team and the size of the Huber team (470). Mueller and Huber are on the same team! In Q post 2028 he asked us to notice the similarity of the smear campaigns of those they hate (Qanon and Trump) and those they love (Sessions and Mueller - hint hint hint). By extension Rosenstein, as Muellers boss is our guy ("If Rosenstein is dirty, Mueller is dirty. If Mueller is dirty, Rosenstein is dirty".)


Rosenstein and Mueller have been played up to the left as heroes the very same as Sessions has. This has enabled to operation to go forward, unobstructed by the democrats/cabal. There is SO MUCH MORE (and too much to post here) but if you do as I did and sit down and STUDY the entire Q drop containing keyword "Mueller" as well studying the corresponding links in full it becomes clear as day. Let the words sink in. Read between the lines. What intrigue!!! No wonder the rats are running! We are winning BIGLY!