Anonymous ID: 430d1d Sept. 22, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.3142953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979 >>2981 >>3058


It's possible. Intelligence is a double-edged sword that can be harnessed against a person who has it.

The 'autist,' however, doesn't have just an internal monologue, but a dialogue. The autist learns about how others think and behave - similar to a psychopath, but having a more complete set of codons in the gene expression.

This allows 'autists' to perform a circumspectual analysis of their own goals and behavior using the personalities they inventory over time.

A sort of 'where we go one, we go all' - we learn the elements of another person and carry that with us to assist. Because of that, "personality breaking" via hypnosis or even drugs is likely fairly difficult.

Those who are intelligent, but lack this capability, are extremely vulnerable to being led.


Even those who are simply of average intelligence, who have this capability, are vastly better equipped for the war being waged, right now.

Not that we can't be programmed, at all - or that we can't be led/deceived, but that it requires much more work and clever deception to do so. IE - placing deliberate 'errors' in a conspiracy plot that produce endless argument over whether or not the event was a conspiracy, such that the human elements of the conspiracy are obscured behind physics arguments or grainy film analysis.


They were close to successfully triggering an armed revolt - but even then, the 'autists' who would go for it are also the ones who understand what it means when it's done. It wouldn't have been the kind of revolt they thought they would trigger - but it would have been destructive either way.