Anonymous ID: 60ecb7 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.3142495   🗄️.is 🔗kun


true target of vietnam was not vietcong or even communists. It was US and our servicemen.

War purposefully fought to ensure US failure to go into north vietnam. Prolong, protracted war to showcase multiple new technology and advnacement in military tactics and trigger feelings of emboldening amongst anti-US useful idiots. Expansion of cabal political influence with dependence on their financial strings world wide. Accelerating the cultural upheavals by discrediting the military and spitting upon our history and heros, racially or otherwise.

We tried to reverse the tide with reagan, but cabal survived it, and even used reagan for their ends.

they killed jfk for standing up to them.

Now they want to kill and/or use POTUS too.

World is on the precipice, and useful idiots are aplenty.

So are Patriots.