Anonymous ID: 7836a5 Sept. 22, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3142795   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2832


I mean that POTUS is pointing out to the MSM, the normies, whoever is listening, that logically speaking, allies should not have a reason to get involving with whether or not he declasses. He's pointing the finger at them. So that when their treachery is revealed the public will have had a little bit of a heads-up.


It's like when you open a champagne cork, anon. You open it a little bit, wait for a small hiss of CO2 gas, open it a little more, etc. If you pop it real quick then there can be a champagne eruption. He's trying to release the pressure gradually.

That is also our mission here. To stay calm and help the normies gradually absorb difficult/painful information so no social explosion takes place.