Anonymous ID: 7d649e Sept. 22, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3142674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3078

Just reading Adam Housley's tweets now…anyone wanna take a stab as to why Comey would let McCabe do all the dirty work? Jim seems like a perfectionist – but I've never heard boo about him getting worked up and angry at anyone over anything. Yet Andy seems to have a good old temper on him and be aggressive ("First we fuck Flynn, and then we fuck Trump!"). So…AM just the attack dog for JC? Or was JC preoccupied with something else while AM did his thing to keep the FBI mafia in tippy top shape? Q says they're in cahoots, right? Odd they won't rat on each other, so they each must still consider the other to be an ally.


The texts between these two should be juicy af…