Anonymous ID: ef849a Sept. 22, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3142587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2601 >>2619 >>2624

It is beyond my understanding and I just can't get my head around how Anons on here

shilling the bread . Anon's here see the evil that is all around us and Q said so many times

"This is not a game" and yet Shills shit up the bread… Are they not able to think clearly and

realize the important of Qreasearch … Potus and MI depend on 8chan to inform and strengthen

our resolve to eliminate the brainwashing we had been mired all our lives..

Shills have been here long enough to absorb knowledge, enough to understand the graveness

of our times.. Are some so far gone that there is not hope?

I pray to GOD that lights will finally illuminate their minds and realize that Killing kids and babies

is not right in our eyes…