Anonymous ID: 15c11c Sept. 22, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.3143528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The reason if all came out that 90% would be in a hospital is if Q team released that info either foreign gov/corporations/cabal would be able to poison the population to such an extent that everyone who eats food/drinks water/ breaths air etc would be hospitalized. Q team knows their limits (currently) and that are still red lines they will not cross prob for a long time (re Israel/allies/ etc)

Anonymous ID: 15c11c Sept. 22, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3143761   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just so anons know, I am digging through to get all source citations but the PATRIOT ACT makes it ((legal)) to do the following list. While obv is an offensive piece of garbage document that should be trashed, think of how Q team can use it till it’s changed.


  1. Allows for federal law enforcement to enter a residence and get evidence without ever notifying the suspect and without a warrant.

  2. Allows for federal law enforcement to tap phones between ((terrorists)) and their Lawyers.

  3. Allows for military tribunals of US citizens.

  4. Allows for the death penalty in military tribunals with only 2/3 of the judges ruling for.

  5. Allows for federal law enforcement to selects their judge (not obeying the jurisdiction)

  6. Allows for evidence to brought against you, with out you being able to see who or what it is (national security, classified)

  7. Allows for those condemned in a tribunal to NOT BE PUBLICIZED OR MADE PUBLIC.

  8. Allows for state law enforcement to use a “tip” from the feds to get a warrant and then search for chargeable evidence (using NSA/CIA to illegally get the goods, then get a warrant, then search your property and find ex: drugs. the. Use those drugs as evidence in a trial.

  9. A suspect can be held indefinitely without a trial.


Now the PATRIOT ACT is obv pure garbage but… consider the above being used RIGHT NOW, against ((them)).


NoName executed?

Huma/Podesta held?

Etc etc.


God bless our Constituion and God save the United States.

Anonymous ID: 15c11c Sept. 22, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.3143874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great point BASED poster!! Let’s have it so we can all create our own account usernames and verify with a phone number. This will keeps the shills out! Then we can we call the threads Combs and the anons Bees! The catalog where all the threads are will be called the Honey Pot! Very good idea, let’s get rid of shill anonymity, you know (they) love when they can hide!