Anonymous ID: 5c917b Sept. 22, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.3143404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3420 >>3449 >>3455 >>3543 >>3597 >>3605 >>3608 >>3674 >>3689 >>3827 >>3917

Blacksheep anon here.


China's Communist party has never been challenged the way it is now,

and it's not looking good. The party's attack will have two fronts: on theiir

own people, and also military action wherever they think they can get

a victory to announce back home. Xi will not survive, the party may or

may not last. You are looking at a split in the minimum, which ironically

will result in a stronger China in the long term.


NYT article on RR came sooner than I think anyone thought. Their game

is what is called exploitable in game theory terms. They die on the Hilary

hill just to resurrect themselves to die on another. This implies strings

being cut. Things happening with certain three letter agency that not being

reported on the news. True chaos.


This is what is happening in big tech firms: back channel money is drying

up. Favors that were promised if something had occurred not happening

and so what is left except blackmail. If the chief is doing particular things

due to blackmail, but those things are anti company, what happens?


Executives leave. How do you prevent them leaving? The cult. Only the

ones in the cult remain. See the Google video. Can a company run by

a cult compete? Not very well. Give it time, as soon as competition shows

up, things change quickly.


In terms of general geopolotics: Putin will push into Central Asia, he may

give up Ukraine to do so.


Legitimacy of elections in Western Europe will be challenged, ironically

this will come when anti gun laws relax in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 5c917b Sept. 22, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.3143605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3787 >>3827 >>3912 >>3917



I seem to have some traction, will try to explain how things

are truly connected in a way you guys may not realize.


Question: coordinated effort to take away American guns

has apparently foreign interests. Why? Why would another

country care if Americans have guns?


Let's break down relationships into our own price, and

the price of others. We are all trying to increase our price,

or the work other people do on our behalf. At the same time,

we try to lower other people's price, or the work we do that

benefits others.


The elite of poor countries working to keep everyone but themselves

poor can be explain

by this. They get away with it because they hold the guns,

they control the army, the personal guards, etc. The people are



That life is good in the USA is because the people are holding

onto guns and this puts the elite in their place.


What does this have to with European Union, China, etc?


Why would China let an engineer get a visa to the US?

Don't they care about smart people stayin gin the country

Doesn't that make the country stronger, and it's subjugators

therefore also stronger? An engineer who wants freedom has

no loyalty to the party anyway. His price is high, his capacity to

take orders is low. SO fuck him.


However, if all the engineers wanted to leave, what happens?

China can let go of some of its brain power to hold onto legitimacy,

but has to keep some. So, the elite make life somewhat good

over there to hold onto high output people.


Same thing with the EU. The people having guns in the US

is direcly correlated with quality of life in other countries,

because on some level other countries compete against

the US to attract smart people.


So, George Soros, who has very string interests in

Europe, and China's Communist Party, each work hard to

undermine American's ability to hold onto assault rifles.


Watch the pieces fit, the puzzle is coming together.


God bless the USA.

Anonymous ID: 5c917b Sept. 22, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.3143697   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hilary is a good girl who does what she's told, she will flip.


With things like sales of Uranium, the Iran nuke deal, take

them with a very large grain of salt. These are paper trails

to cover something up, or perhaps gestures meant

to establish loyalty, can be used as blackmail if things

go wrong.


Never what it seems.

Anonymous ID: 5c917b Sept. 22, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3143768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917



I don't post anywhere else.


When you guys are referring to a they, I think you mean

Rothschild/Soros level people. These people do not worry.

They are beyond untouchable, they are the spiders who weave

the book of human history, they for the most part dictate

reality. The elite in general, maybe 10,000 to 50,000 most

powerful families don't like power shifts or instability.